山ノ内 毅彦 (ヤマノウチ タケヒコ)
自然科学系 数学講座 数学分野 | 教授 |
研究者情報 (担当授業科目については、ページ一番下の「授業ガイド(シラバス検索)」をご利用ください。)
- On intermediate subalgebras of inclusions of von Neumann algebras having common Cartan subalgebras and their basic extensions
2019年, Takehiko Yamanouchi, 単著, Studia Mathematica, 246, 3, 10.4064/sm170915-13-2 - Hecke pairs of ergodic discrete measured equivalence relations and the
Schlichting completion
2017年10月, Hisashi Aoi, Takehiko Yamanouchi, 共著, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 69, 4 - Hecke von Neumann algebra of ergodic discrete
measured equivalence relations
2010年09月, Hisashi Aoi and Takehiko Yamanouchi, 共著, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, 46, 3 - One-cocycles on smooth flows of weights and extended modular coactions
2007年, Takehiko Yamanouchi, 単著, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 27 - Normality for an inclusion of ergodic discrete measured equivalence relations in the von Neumann algebraic framework
2007年, Takehiko Yamanouchi, 単著, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 日本数学会, 59 - A characterization of coactions whose fixed-point algebras contain special maximal abelian *-subalgebras
2006年, Hisashi Aoi, Takehiko Yamanouchi, 共著, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26 - On the normalizing groupoids and the commensurability groupoids for inclusions of factors associated to ergodic equivalence relations-subrelations
2006年, Takehiko Yamanouchi, 単著, Journal of Functional Analysis, 240