Kato Naoki
Organaization of Centers for Education and Research Infrastructure of University Center for Information and Communications Technology | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research History
Research Areas
Research activity information
- Developing an Automated Method for Discriminating Drag Operations in Digital Textbooks for Learners
13 Mar. 2024, Erika Kojima, Naoki Kato, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2024-HCI-207, 32, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Academic Achievement Changes through the Use of "Digital Textbooks for Learners" in Elementary School Japanese Language Programs
09 Feb. 2024, Wataru TANIGAWA, Naoki KATO, Masaaki TAKANO, joint, AI時代の教育論文誌, AI時代の教育学会, 6, Research paper (scientific journal) - Development of Tools to Support Understanding and Trial of Drawing Procedures using Compasses and Rulers
03 Feb. 2024, Hitomi Saito, 1 Naoki Kato, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2024-CE-173, 2, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of a Function to Assess Fluency and Appropriate Intonation in Japanese Oral Reading among Elementary School Student
03 Feb. 2024, Kazuki Jimbo, Naoki Kato, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2024-CE-173, 3 - A development of seat position estimate method using markers attached to the ceiling
Mar. 2023, 鈴木有里,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2022-CE-169, 2, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Proposal and development of interfaces to visualize the operation history of digital textbooks and teaching materials for learners
Mar. 2023, 種村沙来,加藤直樹,石井雄大, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2022-CE-169, 1, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Proposal for a voice-based reminder system to support children who frequently forget things
Feb. 2023, 木村航大,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2022-CE-168, 15, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Proposal and Prototype of The Reading Aloud Learning System to Support Fluency Improvement
Oct. 2022, 神保一樹,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2022-CE-166, 4, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Proposal and development of a health observation support system for noticing children's physical and mental signs
Mar. 2022, 土井梨紗子,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2022-CE-164, 24, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Proposal and usefulness validation of interfaces to support understanding of texts written by children
Feb. 2022, 松原未和,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2021-CE-163, 5, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - デジタル教科書の活用で国語の学びはどう変わるか
Feb. 2022, 加藤直樹,谷川航, joint, 国語教育, 明治図書, 866, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) - Development of communication tools through the starry sky in virtual space
Nov. 2021, 蓮雄一,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2021-CE-162, 18, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 学習者用デジタル教科書の姿−理科の学びを強化する機能を中心に−
Nov. 2021, 加藤直樹,谷川航, only, 理科の教育, 東洋館出版, 834, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) - 東京学芸大学「情報」におけるコンピュータサイエンスアンプラグド実践の試み
Sep. 2011, 櫨山敦雄,他計8名5番目, joint, 東京学芸大学紀要 自然科学系, 東京学芸大学, 63, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - Web-based e-mail system with handwritten animation
Sep. 2003, 齋藤恵,末広美幸,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, Information technology letters, IPSJ/IEICE, 3, Research paper (scientific journal) - 手書きによる壁紙新聞作成支援システムの試作
Oct. 2000, *大即洋子,加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, 情報処理学会研究報告, 情報処理学会, 2000, 95, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 枠なし手書き文字列認識における誤認識訂正インタフェースの研究
Jul. 2000, 坂東宏和,福島貴弘,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, 情報処理学会研究報告, 情報処理学会, 2000, 89, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 実験公開インクフォーマットを利用したリアルタイム手書きコミュニケーション
Jul. 1997, 斎藤文彦,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, 情報処理学会研究報告, 情報処理学会, 1997, 73, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 発想支援インタフェースとしてのペン入力
Jan. 1995, 中川正樹,*加藤直樹,秋山勝彦,レー・バン・トゥー, joint, 計測自動制御学会第17回システム工学部会研究会, 計測自動制御学会, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 手書きによる創作支援環境の試作
May 1993, *加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, 情報処理学会研究報告, 情報処理学会, 1993, 48, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Proposal of the interfaces that support to understand contents of lesson impressions and evaluation for improvement of the interfaces
Jun. 2021, 松原未和,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2021-CE-160, 1, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 授業映像視聴に適したマルチアングル・マルチサウンドソースに対応する動画ビューア
Mar. 2021, 浜田啓佑,加藤直樹, joint, 情報処理学会研究報告, 情報処理学会, 2021-CE-159, 8, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Blavo:黒板への筆記に合わせてガイドを表示する板書支援インタフェースの研究
Mar. 2021, 秀徳 祐太,加藤 直樹, joint, 情報処理学会インタラクション2021論文集, 情報処理学会, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 教師が発する言葉に対する授業参観者の気づきを記録・閲覧できるシステムの開発
Mar. 2021, 保浦良太,加藤直樹, joint, 日本教育支援協働学研究, 日本教育支援協働学会, 3, Research paper (scientific journal) - Analysis of Classroom Transformation using S-T Analysis: Classroom
Practice Using Learners Digital Textbooks in Elementary School Japanese Language
Mar. 2021, 谷川航,加藤直樹,鷹野昌秋, joint, 東京学芸大学教育実践紀要, 東京学芸大学, 17, Research paper (scientific journal) - 学習者用デジタル教科書の姿とその活用 〜はじめに〜
Oct. 2020, 加藤直樹, only, 学習情報研究, 学習情報研究センター, 277, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) - Development and Evaluation of digital worksheet
combined with a digital textbook for learner
Feb. 2020, 大山洋俊,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2020-CE-153, 7, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Practice of programming education focused on making learning materials in elementary school science
Apr. 2019, 加藤直樹,保浦良太,野沢朝輝,松田孝,上野朝大,濵田大地, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2019-CE-149, 12, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A development of Learning materials using Augmented Reality by Projection Mapping
Mar. 2019, 四方茉琴,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2019-CE-149, 9, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A development of a system that can record and view the awareness of visitors to the teacher’s words in class
Mar. 2018, 保浦良太,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2018-CE-144, 7, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Simple Shoga : A development of user interfaces that can be manipulated a document camera directly from an electronic whiteboard
Nov. 2017, 前田智郎,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2017-HCI-175, 1, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A Development of Digital-Textbook for Learners and
A Validation of the Change of Learning Style brought by the one
Mar. 2017, 小林信輔,加藤直樹, joint, Research report of JSET Conferences, JSET, JSET 17, 1, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Interfaces: Implementation of the visualization capabilities of transformations of student’s ideas in the class
Mar. 2017, 山崎紗耶,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2017-CE-139, 3, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A development of the learning environment with ICT centered on the electronic whiteboard
Jun. 2016, 比留間雄大,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2016-CE-135, 1, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A development of user interfaces that can be operated a document camera from an electronic whiteboard
Jun. 2016, 前田智郎,小林信輔,比留間雄大,加藤 直樹, joint, IPSJ Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2016-CE-135, 2, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A Model of Digital Textbooks for Learners: for the Activity Writing in Textbook and the Problem of Official Approval
Mar. 2016, 小林信輔,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2016-CE-134, 10, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A Development a System to exchange objects on a blackboard and an electronic whiteboard seamlessly
Mar. 2016, 水落円香,小林信輔,比留間雄大,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2016-CE-134, 11, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - The Trial of teacher training towards corresponding for computerized education in Tokyo Gakugei University
Feb. 2015, 坂東宏和,加藤直樹,藤原裕, joint, The study meeting reports of the Japan association for educational media study, JAEMS, 38, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of the system which supports practical use of childcare record in kindergarten
Mar. 2014, 長谷部 朱音,加藤 直樹,坂東 宏和, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2014-CE-124, 3, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Method of Lesson Study Adopting On-Going in Teaching Practice and a System to Support It
Mar. 2014, 今野翔太郎.立川泰史,櫨山淳雄,加藤 直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2014-CE-124, 4, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - The introduction and the trial use of a remote classroom observing system to enrich teacher training details for university students
Dec. 2013, 坂東 宏和, 加藤 直樹, 藤原 裕, 根本 淳一, 稲垣 孝男, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2014-CE-122, 18, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Teaching practice using ICT as computerization advances in educational field in Tokyo Gakugei University
Mar. 2013, 坂東宏和,加藤直樹,新藤茂, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2013-CE-119, 11, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of an Input Method of Mathematical Expressions
for Touch-based Interfaces and a Math Material Generation Tool
Mar. 2013, 前田雅之,加藤直樹, joint, Correspondences on Human Interface, HIS, 15, 2, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of a System for Supporting Lesson Study Using Class Video in Teaching Practice
Mar. 2013, 今野翔太郎,櫨山淳雄,加藤直樹, joint, Correspondences on Human Interface, HIS, 15, 2, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Design and trial production of synchronized recording and referring system for student teachers' lessons
Feb. 2013, 坂東宏和,加藤直樹,三浦元喜, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2013-CE-118, 1, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of the reflection support system to synchronize annotations with video
Nov. 2011, 加藤直樹,山崎岳, joint, Correspondences on Human Interface, HIS, 13, 10, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A development of the system promoting communication with people in destination
Jul. 2011, 宮本英里,加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2011-HCI-144, 2, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - The Problems and Prospects for Local Media -The Social Interaction in the Case of "Koganei Artfull Action!", which Aims at Regional Revitalization by Art and Culture-
Mar. 2011, 永嶋 さゆり,正木 賢一,加藤直樹, joint, Correspondences on Human Interface, HIS, 13, 1, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of a pen-based web browser ‘PerowserEx’ sharable hand-written memoranda on the web
May 2009, 浜口拡輝,加藤直樹,山崎謙介, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2009-HCI-133, 2, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of note system that can peep at notebook of other students who used tablet PC
May 2009, 角方寛介,加藤直樹,山崎謙介, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, IPSJ, 2009-HCI-133, 10, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Development of Web-based field note system for field study
Dec. 2006, 菊池佑太,加藤直樹,山崎謙介, joint, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, 2006, 130, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - The proposal of a system which supports use of digital contents in lectures
Dec. 2005, *加藤直樹, only, The Study Meeting Reports of The Japan Association For The Study of Educational Media, JAEMS, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - PARA-PARA Window: An Easier Window Switching Interface
Mar. 2003, *加藤直樹,小國健, joint, Proceedings of the Interaction2003, IPSJ, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Study on the Participation Method of Distant Learners into the IT-supported Lecture Using an Interactive Electronic Whiteboard
Dec. 2002, 岩田陽子,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Notes, IPSJ, 2002, 119, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A Study on the Participation Method of Distant Learners into the IT-supported Lecture Using an Interactive Electronic Whiteboard
Dec. 2002, 石田準,坂東宏和,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Notes, IPSJ, 2002, 119, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A workbench supporting concurrent use of a mouse and an electronic pen
Sep. 2002, 中塚智子,坂東宏和,大即洋子,*加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Notes, IPSJ, 2002, 91, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - A prototyping of educational software employing group competition on an interactive electronic whiteboard
Jul. 2002, 大即洋子,坂東宏和,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Notes, IPSJ, 2002, 62, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - 対話型電子白板と立ち位置検出装置を用いた遠隔授業支援システムの設計と試作
Jan. 2002, 福井賢二,石田準,坂東宏和,*加藤直樹, joint, 情報処理学会第43回プログラミング・シンポジウム報告集, 情報処理学会, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Prototyping of an electronic whiteboard and notebook system providing information exchange
Dec. 2001, 石田準,坂東宏和,*加藤直樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Notes, IPSJ, 2001, 122, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Enhancement of the user interface by the extensible pointer for a large screen
Sep. 2001, 坂東宏和,大即洋子,増田厚司,*加藤直樹、中川正樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Notes, IPSJ, CVIM-2001, 87, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Multiple simultaneous inputs for an interactive electronic whiteboard and use to educational applications
Jul. 2001, 大即洋子,坂東宏和,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, IPSJ SIG Note, IPSJ, 2001, 72, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.) - Proposal of programming education using one-board microcomputer in elementary school science
Mar. 2020, 加藤直樹,松田孝,上野朝大,濵田大地, joint, AI時代の教育学会論文誌, AI時代の教育学会, 1, Research paper (scientific journal) - 書くことに着目した学習者用デジタル教科書の開発研究
Mar. 2019, 加藤直樹, only, 学習情報研究, 学習情報研究センター, 267, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) - 教育支援協働と教育の情報化
Feb. 2018, 加藤直樹, only, 日本教育支援協働学研究, 教育支援協働学会, 1, Research paper (scientific journal) - 再考:タブレット端末とデジタル教科書
Jan. 2018, 加藤直樹, only, 学習情報研究, 学習情報研究センター, 260, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) - Proposal and Development of Recording and Referring System for Lesson Evaluation Capable of Displaying Movie, Picture and Comment Simultaneously
Feb. 2017, 坂東 宏和,加藤 直樹,三浦 元喜, joint, IPSJ Transactions on Computers and Education, IPSJ, 3, 1, Research paper (scientific journal) - 近隣地域の公立学校と連携した教育の情報化に対応できる教員の養成
Jul. 2016, 藤原裕,加藤直樹, joint, 情報処理, 情報処理学会, 57, 8, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal) - デジタル教科書に求められる機能と仕組み
Nov. 2015, 加藤直樹, only, 学習情報研究, 学習ソフトウェア情報研究センター, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) - デジタル教科書とは何か
May 2015, 加藤直樹, only, 国語教育, 大修館, 101, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) - Support of Foreign Language Activity of Elementary School by Using ICT (1): Analysis of die Opinion Poll among Students of TGU
Mar. 2014, 粕谷恭子.長谷川正,伊藤一郎,木村守,新藤茂,櫨山淳雄,加藤直樹,鳴海多恵子,藤原裕,栗原正治,齊藤豊.平田勇治,横山明,古林香苗, joint, BULLETIN OF CENTER FOR THE RESEARCH AND SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE, 東京学芸大学教育実践研究支援センター, 10, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - Introduction of the Distance Lesson Observation and Recording System to Promote Teachertraining
Feb. 2013, 加藤直樹,根本淳一,稲垣孝男,青山尚司,新藤茂, joint, BULLETIN OF CENTER FOR THE RESEARCH AND SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE, 東京学芸大学教育実践研究支援センター, 9, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - 教室活性化のための電子ツールの最新動向
Jan. 2011, 加藤直樹, only, サイバーメディア・フォーラム, 大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター, 11, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - A questionnaire study on ICT utilization in the class to the teachers of public schools around Tokyo Gakugei University
Mar. 2010, 伊藤一郎,新藤茂,鳴海多恵子,櫨山淳雄,加藤直樹, joint, BULLETIN OF CENTER FOR THE RESEARCH AND SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE, 東京学芸大学, 6, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - The Study into Information Retrieval Competency for Elementary and High School Teachers
Mar. 2010, 加藤直樹, only, BULLETIN OF CENTER FOR THE RESEARCH AND SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE, 東京学芸大学, 6, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - A study on clearness of the TV conference system in the case of class observation from the distant places: for practical use in the teacher training
Mar. 2009, 越川徹郎,大熊雅士,新藤茂,加藤直樹, joint, BULLETIN OF CENTER FOR THE RESEARCH AND SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE, 東京学芸大学教育実践研究支援センター, 5, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - Study of Co-owning System for Regional Safety Information from the Children's Living Environmental Point of View
Mar. 2008, 伊藤一郎,新藤茂,鳴海多恵子,櫨山淳雄,加藤直樹, joint, BULLETIN OF CENTER FOR THE RESEARCH AND SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE, 東京学芸大学教育実践研究支援センター, 4, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - Toward the achievement of "understandable class": on the upgrading project of the utilization of the digital contents in the class
Feb. 2007, 伊藤 一郎 , 加藤 直樹 , 新藤 茂, only, Bulletin of Center for the Reserch and Support of Educational Practice, 東京学芸大学教育実践研究支援センター, 3, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - Proposal for a System that Supports Use of Digital Contents in Lectures
Feb. 2006, *加藤直樹, only, Bulletin of Center for the Reserch and Support of Educational Practice, 東京学芸大学教育実践研究支援センター, 2, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution) - PARAP-PARA WIndow: An easier window switching interface
Jul. 2005, *加藤直樹,小國健, joint, Human Interface, HIS, 7, 2, Research paper (scientific journal) - Educational Software Employing Group Competition Using an Interactive Electronic Whiteboard
Sep. 2004, Yoko Otsuki, Hirokazu Bandoh, Naoki Kato, Bipin Indurkhya and Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 15, 3, Research paper (scientific journal) - Educational software employing group competition on an interactive electronic whiteboard
Dec. 2003, Yoko Otsuki, Hirokazu Bandoh, *Naoki Kato, Bipin Indurkhya, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education 2003, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - 'SUITORIGAMI' interface for electronic message-board
Sep. 2003, *加藤直樹, only, Information technology letters, IPSJ/IEICE, 2, Research paper (scientific journal) - An Educational Software Supporting Learning through Group Competition Using an Interactive Electronic Whiteboard and Its Effect
Jun. 2003, 大即洋子,坂東宏和,*加藤直樹, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 44, 6, Research paper (scientific journal) - Pen-based e-mail environment using a web browser
Sep. 2002, 依藤充範,長島哲也,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, Information technology letters, IPSJ/IEICE, 1, Research paper (scientific journal) - A proposal for an easier window switching interface
Sep. 2002, *加藤直樹,小國健, joint, Information technology letters, IPSJ/IEICE, 1, Research paper (scientific journal) - User Interfaces for Correcting Errors in Writing-box-free Recognition of Handwritten Text
Jun. 2002, 坂東宏和,福島貴弘,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 43, 6, Research paper (scientific journal) - Architecture and Prototyping of the Middleware for an Electronic Blackboard Aimed at the Computerization of Lectures
Jan. 2002, 坂東宏和, 杉崎知子, *加藤直樹,澤田伸一, 中川正樹, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 43, 3, Research paper (scientific journal) - Development of an interactive electronic whiteboard system with multiple electronic pens for educational applications
Oct. 2001, Yoko Otsuki, Hirokazu Bandoh, *Naoki Kato, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of the ICCE/SchoolNet 2001, 3, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Programming Education on an Interactive Electronic Whiteboard
Jul. 2001, Masaki Nakagawa, Taro Ohara, Jin Kanda, Hirokazu Bandoh, *Naoki Kato, joint, Proceedings of the ITHET2001, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Programming Education on an Electronic Whiteboard Using Pen Interface
Jul. 2001, Taro Ohara, *Naoki Kato, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction International 2001, 1, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Supporting Individual and Cooperative Work Using Scalable Pen Interfaces
Jul. 2001, Yoko Otsuki, Hirokazu Bandoh, *Naoki Kato, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction International 2001, 1, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - E-mail Environment with Handwriting Using Digital Ink Format 'HandsDraw'
Feb. 2001, *加藤直樹,田中宏,中川正樹, joint, The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, IEICE, 84-D-I/2,, Research paper (scientific journal) - User Interfaces for Designating Pen Gesture Input on Pen-based Personal Digital Assistants
Sep. 2000, *加藤直樹,大美賀かおり,中川正樹, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 41, 9, Research paper (scientific journal) - A Revised Human Interface and Educational Applications on IdeaBoard
May 1999, Masaki Nakagawa, Koichiro Hotta, Hirokazu. Bandou, Tuyoshi Oguni, *Naoki Kato, Shinichi Sawada, joint, CHI99 Video Proceedings and Video Program and also CHI99 Extended Abstracts, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Handwriting-based user interfaces employing on-line handwriting recognition
Aug. 1998, Masaki Nakagawa, Kazuhiko Akiyama, Tsuyoshi Oguni, *Naoki Kato, joint, Proceedings of the 6th IWFHR, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - An Investigation into the Usability of a Pen for Designing Pen User Interfaces
May 1998, *加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 39, 5, Research paper (scientific journal) - Prototyping of a Digital Ink E-Mail System Based on a Common Ink Format
Aug. 1997, Hiroshi Tanaka, *Naoki Kato, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction International '97, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Automatic Adjustment Mechanism for Drawing with Stationery Metaphors
Nov. 1996, *加藤直樹,福田奈津子,中川正樹, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 37, 11, Research paper (scientific journal) - An Experiment Study of Interface Exploiting Pen's Merits
Jul. 1995, *Naoki Kato, Natsuko Fukuda, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of the Human Compute Interaction International '95, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - The Design of a Pen-based Interface SHOSAI for Creative Work
Jul. 1995, *Naoki Kato, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction International '95, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Adjustment Mechanism for a Drawing System with Stationary Metaphors
Jul. 1995, *Naoki Kato, Natsuko Fukuda, Masaki Nakagawa, joint, Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction International '95, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Design and Implementation of "HITSUJI" Window System for Pen Interface Research and Development
Apr. 1995, 早川栄一,河又恒久,宮島靖,*加藤直樹,並木美太郎,高橋延匡, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 36, 4, Research paper (scientific journal) - A Hand-Drawing System with 'Stationery Metaphors'
Jul. 1994, 風間信也,*加藤直樹,中川正樹, joint, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ, 35, 7, Research paper (scientific journal) - Principles of Pen Interface Design for Creative Work
Oct. 1993, Masaki Nakagawa, Kimiyoshi Machii, Toshio Souya, *Naoki Kato, joint, Proceedings of the ICDAR '93, Research paper (international conference proceedings) - Lazy Recognition as a Principle of Pen Interfaces
Apr. 1993, Masaki Nakagawa, Kimiyoshi Machii, Toshio Souya, *Naoki Kato, joint, Adjunct Proceedings of the INTERCHI '93, Research paper (international conference proceedings)
- Evaluating Changes in Learning Ability through the Use of Digital Textbooks for learners in Elementary Japanese Language Classes
02 Mar. 2024, The 44th National Conference of the Japan Society for Educational Technology, Oral presentation(general) - A Proposal and development of interfaces to support the Understanding and Comparative Analysis of Student-Written Texts
17 Mar. 2024, The 86th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Proposal and development of tools to interpret and visualize children’s qualities and abilities from childcare records
17 Mar. 2024, The 86th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Analyzing the Impact of Illustrative Learning Products on Academic Achievement in Elementary School Japanese Classes
17 Mar. 2024, The 86th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Development of an individually optimal learning support tool that estimates and visualizes understanding of physical concepts from students' answers
15 Mar. 2024, The 86th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Developing a Web Scraping Tool for Collecting and Providing Information Tailored to Student Interests Predicted from Notebook Entries and Web Browsing Histories
15 Mar. 2024, The 86th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Developing a support tool for communication through starry sky in metaverse space
17 Mar. 2024, Proceedings of the National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Developing Tools for Group Formation in Education: Integrating Students' Qualities, Abilities, and Teachers' Intentions
15 Mar. 2024, The 86th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - The analysis of the patterns for organizing children’s thoughts by using“the function to extract texts” of digital Japanese textbooks
Oct. 2020, ヒューマンインタフェースサイバーコロキウム(HIC2 2020) - Proposal of the support interfaces for understand of the content of lesson impressions -To understand the content of impressions and the connection of children through it-
Oct. 2020, ヒューマンインタフェースサイバーコロキウム(HIC2 2020) - Proposal of Document camera operation interface that enable direct operation on 3D images
Oct. 2020, ヒューマンインタフェースサイバーコロキウム(HIC2 2020) - HOSHIZORA Vision Development of a tool to record and share handwriting annotations through the starry sky
Oct. 2020, ヒューマンインタフェースサイバーコロキウム(HIC2 2020) - A study of a mathematic instructions guideline in anticipating elementary programming education
Sep. 2020, 日本教育工学会2020年秋季全国大会 - A fusion of STEM Education and Sports -“The thinking ability of children“ that can be nurtured through Sports-
Jul. 2020, 日本STEM教育学会第3回年次大会 - Bidirectional learning between student teachers and teaching postgraduates
Sep. 2020, 日本教育工学会2019年秋季全国大会 - Digital textbooks at learning of reading in the primary education of Japanese language
Sep. 2018, 日本教育工学会第34回全国大会 - The Proposal for Mechanisms for Adding Study Materials Later to Digital Textbook for Learner
Mar. 2016, 情報処理学会第78回全国大会 - A Development of a system to exchange objects on a blackboard and an electronic whiteboard seamlessly
Mar. 2016, 情報処理学会第78回全国大会 - Consideration on Model of Digital Textbooks for Learners: The Proposal for Functions to Support Writing Textbooks
Sep. 2015, ヒューマンインタフェース2015 - Trials of a System for Recording and Browsing of Notices during a Lesson by Lesson Observers in Teaching Practice
Mar. 2015, インタラクション2015 - Development of the Learning Environment with ICT Centered on the Interactive Whiteboard
Mar. 2015, インタラクション2015 - Finger-pointing interfaces to support collaborative learning with handwriting and teaching materials on an interactive whiteboard
Sep. 2014, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2014 - Twitteria- Development of a Tool to Facilitate Communication with People in Remote Locations -
Mar. 2014, インタラクション2014 - Development and Trial of a System for Recording and Browsing of Notices during a Lesson by Lesson Observers in Teaching Practice
Mar. 2014, 情報処理学会第76回全国大会 - A development of the digital note system that children can see the other children's note
Mar. 2014, 情報処理学会第76回全国大会 - A redesign of the learning support system with pen&touch-based computers for elementary school students
Mar. 2014, 情報処理学会第76回全国大会 - A system to annotate to visual image with HMD & USB camera
Mar. 2014, 情報処理学会第76回全国大会 - User Interface Improvement of Email Encryption with PGP
Mar. 2013, 情報処理学会第75回全国大会 - A System for Supporting Lesson Study Using Class Video in Teaching Practice.
Mar. 2013, 情報処理学会第75回全国大会 - HOSHIZORA VISION : A development of the tool that Enables communication through a starry sky
Mar. 2013, 情報処理学会第75回全国大会 - Development of an Input Method of Mathematical Expressions for Touch-based Interfaces and a Math Material Generation Tool
Mar. 2013, インタラクション2013 - Trial Practice of the Computer Science Unplugged in an Education University
Mar. 2011, 第73回情報処理学会全国大会 - A development of the system promoting communication with people in destination
Mar. 2011, 第73回情報処理学会全国大会 - A development of the exercise lesson support system using digital camera
Mar. 2011, 第73回情報処理学会全国大会 - A development of the reflection support system to synchronize the evaluators memos with a lecture video
Mar. 2011, 第73回情報処理学会全国大会 - HOSHIZORA VISION: A development of the tool that enables communication through a starry sky
Mar. 2011, 第73回情報処理学会全国大会 - The investigation into the method of generating ink data from continual images recorded a series of strokes
Sep. 2008, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2008 - A development of the e-note system that can peep at other student's notes
Mar. 2008, 第70回情報処理学会全国大会 - Generating ink data from continual images recorded a series of strokes
Mar. 2008, 第70回情報処理学会全国大会 - A consideration on target visibility in device with dual screen
Sep. 2007, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2007 - Development of fiels note system using a digital map delivery service
Sep. 2006, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2006 - 'SUITORI' interface to obtain contents from posted papers
Mar. 2004, インタラクション2003