Natural Sciences Division Broad-Scope Natural Sciences Astronomy and Earth SciencesLecturer

Basic information

  • Gender


Other affiliation

  • Tokyo Gakugei University, Science, Lecturer
  • Tokyo Gakugei University, Natural Sciences DivisionBroad-Scope Natural Sciences 宇宙地球科学分野, Lecturer


  • Master of Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Professional Memberships

  • The Astronomical Society of Japan
  • Japanese Society for Education and Popularization of Astronomy
  • Japan Society of Earth Science Education

Licenses and Qualifications

  • 中学校教諭一種免許(理科)
    Mar. 1994
  • 高等学校教諭一種免許(理科)
    Mar. 1994
  • 中学校教諭専修免許(理科)
    Mar. 1999
  • 高等学校教諭専修免許(理科)
    Mar. 1999

Research Areas

  • Astronomy
    galactic astronomy, optical/infrared astronomy
  • Science education
    astronomical education

Research Interests

  • astronomical education
  • galactic astronomy, optical/infrared astronomy

Research Projects

  • The Sumitomo Foundation
    基礎科学研究助成, 多色撮像観測による系外銀河星生成領域の形成進化に関する研究, 16 Nov. 2006 - 30 Nov. 2007, Other
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 天文分野を対象とした自主学習型解析体験教材の開発, 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014, Competitive research funding
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Webを用いた自主学習型天文分光解析体験プログラムの開発, 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017, Competitive research funding
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 時間変動現象に主眼を置いた自主学習型天文解析体験プログラムの開発, 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020, Competitive research funding, 20200331
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 最新広視野観測装置による近傍渦巻銀河周辺部における星生成領域探査, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015, Competitive research funding
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 超広視野観測装置による天体画像を用いた科目横断型学習教材の開発, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019, Competitive research funding
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, イオン画像望遠鏡を用いた科目横断型デジタル教材の開発, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025, Competitive research funding
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 動的宇宙の理解を目指した観測データに基づく動画教材開発, 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2025, Competitive research funding

Books and Other Publications

  • すべての人の天文学
    15 Mar. 2022, 岡村定矩・芝井広(監修)、縣秀彦(編著)、西浦慎悟ほか7名, 第II部第3章 天文学の手法とその発展(187-209)、付録 天文基礎アラカルト A7 電磁波とスペクトル(224-231) A8 黒体放射(230-231) A10 天体望遠鏡(233-238)), 日本評論社, 東京, 日本, 978-4-535-78946-3
  • シリーズ現代の天文学 第4巻「銀河I-銀河と宇宙の階層構造」[第2版]
    25 Aug. 2018, 7.1 宇宙の階層構造, 日本評論社, 東京, 日本, 978-4-535-60754
  • 天文マニア養成マニュアル
    12 Aug. 2010, 第3章地球の仲間たち(編集),同章COLUMN-太陽は水素爆発で燃えているわけじゃない(執筆),同章COLUMN-実は月の裏側も少し見えている!?(執筆), 同章COFFEEBREAK-海王星の発見(執筆),第4章COLUMN-色指数(執筆), 恒星社厚生閣(東京), 978-4-7699-1228-6


  • Performance Evaluations of a New Astronomical Observation System at Tokyo Gakugei University. II.: Cooling CCD Camera
    07 Dec. 2023, OI, A., TOMITA, T., NISHIURA, S., DOBASHI, K., joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 75, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Transformation of the Magnitude System of the 40cm Optical Telescope at Tokyo Gakugei University to the Standard Johnson-Cousins System
    07 Dec. 2023, AIBA, S., DOBASHI, K., TOMITA, T., NISHIURA, S., SHIMOIKURA, T., joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 75, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Development of the 40cm Telescope at Tokyo Gakugei University
    30 Nov. 2022, TOMITA Tsubasa, DOBASHI Kazuhito, KAWASAKI Yuta, NISHIURA Shingo, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 74, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Perfomance of the New 40cm Telescope at Tokyo Gakugei University
    30 Nov. 2022, DOBASHI Kazuhito, NISHIURA Shingo, KAWASAKI Yuta, TOMITA Tsubasa, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 74, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Performance Evaluations of a New Astronomical Observation System at Tokyo Gakugei University : Broad-band Filters and Cooling CCD Camera
    30 Nov. 2022, SUZUKI Kaiya, TOMITA Tsubasa, NISHIURA Shingo, DOBASHI Kazuhito, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 74, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Optical Properties of Interstellar Dust around the Orion A Molecular Cloud
    Jul. 2021, Uehara, H., Dobashi, K., Nishiura, S., Shimoikura, T. and Naoi, T., joint, The Astrophysical Journal, The Institute of Physics, 915, 2, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Questionnaire Survey of Images for Astronomy and Space Science Possessed by College Students in the Education Departments Specializing in Science
    30 Oct. 2020, Natsumi ISHII, Shingo NISHIURA, Nobunari ITOH, Tomohiko YAMAGATA, Masaru HAMABE, Tomomi SHIMOIKURA, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 72, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), 24349380
  • Corrction of Internal Extinction of the Spiral Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) System
    Sep. 2019, Natsumi ISHII, Osamu CHIBA, Shingo NISHIURA, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 71, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Wide-Field Multi-color Narrow-band Imagings with the Kiso wide-field CCD camera KWFC installed the Kiso 105 cm Schmidt Telescope
    28 Sep. 2018, NISHIURA S., MIYANO A., NEMOTO A., HASEGAWA Y., joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 70, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Development of Teaching Material for Undergraduate Students to Analyze the N_2H^+ Molecular Line
    Oct. 2017, Asha HIROSE, Kazuhito DOBASHI, Tomomi SHIMOIKURA, Shingo NISHIURA, joint, Education of Earth Science, 日本地学教育学会, 70, 2, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Typical Troubles when using Astronomical Telescopes at Elementary Schools.
    Sep. 2017, Kazuhito DOBASHI, Tomomi SHIMOIKURA, Shingo NISHIURA, Masataka NAKATA, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, 東京学芸大学, 69
  • Making of the observational data set for learning of stellar spectra
    30 Sep. 2016, NISHIURA, S., MITO, H., ITOH, N., YAMAGATA, T., HAMABE, M., NAKADA, Y., joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 68, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Development of Self-Directed Astronomical Learning Program for Estimating Stellar Temperature Using Broad-Band Imaging Data
    May 2015, Nobunari ITOH, Tomohiko YAMAGATA, Masaru HAMABE, Shingo NISHIURA, Hiroyuki MITO, joint, Education of Earth Science, 日本地学教育学会, 68, 1, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Wide-field 659nm imaging with the Kiso wide-field CCD camera KWFC installed the Kiso 105cm Schmidt Telescope
    30 Sep. 2014, NISHIURA, S., NEMOTO, A., MIYANO, A., joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, 東京学芸大学, 66, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Publishing the Pamphlet of Radiation Education for Junior High School Students
    2014, 亀沢知夏、鴨川仁、金井祐子、西浦慎悟、番田清美、荒川悦雄, joint, RADIOISOTOPES, 日本アイソトープ協会, 63, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Making of a teaching material to calculate the age of the universe with galaxy size distributions of galaxy clusters
    30 Sep. 2013, Shingo NISHIURA, Hiroyuki NAKANISHI, Ken-ichi TARUSAWA, Yuki MORI, Takashi MIYATA, Hiroyuki MITO, Tadashi HARA, Nobunari ITOH, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University, 65, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • On the Carriculum of Lectures on Observational Astronomy for Students of Bunkyo University at Kiso Observatory II
    2013, Tomohiko YAMAGATA, Nobunari ITOH, Shingo NISHIURA, Masaru HAMABE, joint, 「教育学部紀要」文教大学教育学部, 文教大学, 47
  • Development of the self-direct learning programs for astronomical education. I
    2013, Nobunari ITOH, Tomohiko YAMAGATA, Masaru HAMABE, Shingo NISHIURA, Hiroyuki MITO, joint, 三重大学教育学部研究紀要, 三重大学, 64, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Making of Observational Data Set for Practical Training of Astronomical Data Reduction
    Sep. 2012, Shingo NISHIURA, Masaru HAMABE, Nobunari ITOH, Tomohiko YAMAGATA, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, 東京学芸大学, 64, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Molecular Line Observations of MCLD123.5+24.9 in the Polaris Cirrus
    Feb. 2012, Shimoikura, T., Dobashi, K., Sakurai, T., Nishiura, S., and Hirota, T., joint, The Astrophysical Journal, The American Astronomical Society, 745, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/195
  • Teaching Material to Estimate the Molecular Cloud Mass Using the CO Emission Lines
    Jan. 2010, Chisato TAKAGI, Kazuhito DOBASHI, Koh AKISATO, Mai INOUE, Yuta KASHIWAGI, Shingo NISHIURA, joint, Education of Earth Science, 日本地学教育学会, 63, 1, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Teaching Material for High School Students to Calculate the Age of the Universe
    Mar. 2007, Shingo NISHIURA, Yoshikazu NAKADA, Hiroyuki MITO, Takashi MIYATA, joint, Education of Earth Science, 日本地学教育学会, 60, 2, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Planisphere as a Tool for Learning Galactic Structure
    2005, Tomohiko YAMAGATA, Shingo NISHIURA, Takashi MIYATA, Hideaki FUJIWARA, joint, 文教大学付属教育研究所紀要, 文教大学, 14, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • The Lecture of Observation Astronomy for Undergradiate Students of Education Department using Kiso Obsevatory
    2005, Tomohiko YAMAGATA, Shingo NISHIURA, joint, 「教育学部紀要」文教大学教育学部, 文教大学, 39, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
  • Multi-band Deep Optical Imaging of the Hickson Compact Groups
    2003, Nishiura, S., Shioya, Y., Taniguchi, Y., joint, Matter and Energy in Clusters of Galalxies, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 301, Research paper (international conference proceedings)
  • "Optical Imaging of the Radiant Points of Leonids during the 2001 Storm with the 105 cm Kiso Schmidt Telescope"
    2002, Nishiura, S., Ohnishi, K., Dobashi, K., Watanabe, J., Miyata, T., Nakada, Y., joint, Pablications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, The Astronomical Society of Japan, 54, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • "A Multi-band Photometric Study of Tidal Debris in A Compact Group of Galaxies: Seyfert's Sextet"
    2002, Nishiura, S., Shioya, Y., Murayama, T., Sato, Y., Nagao, T., Taniguchi, Y, Sanders, D. B., joint, Pablications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, The Astronomical Society of Japan, 54, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Deep Optical Imaging of the Compact Group "Seyfert's Sextet"
    2000, Nishiura, S., only, Small Galaxy Groups, IAU Colloquium 174, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 209, Research paper (international conference proceedings)
  • "Deep Optical Imaging of A Compact Group of Galaxies, Seyfert's Sextet"
    2000, Nishiura, S., Murayama, T., Shimada, M., Sato, Y., Nagao, T., Molikawa, K., Taniguchi, Y., Sanders, D. B., joint, Astronomical Journal, The American Astronomical Society, 120, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • "A Dynamical Study of Galaxies in The Hickson Compact Groups"
    2000, Nishiura, S., Shimada, M., Ohyama, Y., Murayama, T., Taniguchi, Y., joint, The Astronomical Journal, The American Astronomical Society, 120, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • A K-Band Luminosity Function of Hickson Compact Groups of Galaxies
    1999, Nishiura, S., Murayama, T., Taniguchi, Y., Sato, Y.(Tohoku University), Sanders, D. B.(Univ. of Hawaii), joint, Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 186, 186, Research paper (international conference proceedings)
  • "A Geometrical Relationship between Broad-Line Clouds and an Accretion Disk around Active Galactic Nuclei"
    1998, Nishiura, S., Murayama, T., Taniguchi, T., joint, Pablications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, The Astronomical Society of Japan, 50, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • "Dynamical Mass of Type 2 Seyfert Nuclei"
    May 1998, Nishiura, S., and Taniguchi, Y., joint, The Astrophysical Journal, The American Astronomical Society, 499, Research paper (scientific journal)


  • 狭帯域撮像画像を用いた科目横断型学習教材の開発
    11 Mar. 2024, 日本天文学会 2024年春季年会, Poster presentation
  • 東京学芸大学新40cm鏡の広帯域フィルター及び冷却CCDカメラの性能評価
    14 Mar. 2023, 日本天文学会 2023年春季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学新40cm鏡による昼間の小学校の教室からの遠隔月面観測
    14 Mar. 2023, 日本天文学会 2023年春季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学の新 40cm 鏡を用いた遠隔授業の実施
    13 Sep. 2022, 日本天文学会 2022年秋季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学の新 40 cm 鏡を用いた月面分光観測
    13 Sep. 2022, 日本天文学会 2022年秋季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学新 40 cm 鏡の開発・整備と教育研究利用
    13 Sep. 2022, 日本天文学会 2022年秋季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学の新 40cm 鏡と制御システムの開発 4
    03 Mar. 2022, 日本天文学会 2022年秋春季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学の新 40cm 鏡を活用した教育研究活動
    03 Mar. 2022, 日本天文学会 2022年春季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学の新 40cm 鏡と制御システムの開発3
    13 Sep. 2021, 日本天文学会 2021年秋季年会, Poster presentation
  • 東京学芸大学の新 40cm 鏡と制御システムの開発2
    13 Sep. 2021, 日本天文学会 2021年秋季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 東京学芸大学の新 40cm 鏡と制御システムの開発1
    17 Mar. 2021, 日本天文学会 2021年春季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • 学習投影における博学連携の課題と可能性-平塚市博物館を事例として-
    17 Mar. 2021, 日本天文学会 2021年春季年会, Oral presentation(general)
  • Multi-Color Narrow-band Wide-Field Imagings with the KWFC installed the Kiso 105cm Schmidt Telescope
    Mar. 2019, 日本天文学会 2019年春季年会
  • The results of the questionnaire survey of the college students in science teacher training course about astronomy and space science
    Mar. 2019, 日本天文学会 2019年春季年会
  • おうし座分子雲周辺におけるダストの光学的性質の変化
    Mar. 2019, 日本天文学会 2019年春季年会
  • Multi-Color Narrow-band Wide-Field Imagings with the KWFC installed the Kiso 105cm Schmidt Telescope
    Jul. 2018, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2018
  • Development of the Self-Direct Learning Programs with the Time Series Data : Searching of Asteroids and Parallax
    Jul. 2018, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2018
  • Reconsideration of the reduction of narrow-band imaging data obtained the 2kCCD camera installed the Kiso 105 cm Schmidt telescope
    Jul. 2019, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2018
  • The results of the questionnaire survey of the college students in science teacher training course about astronomy and space science : Using 2kCCD images
    Jul. 2018, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2018
  • X線光度の異なる楕円銀河周辺における矮小銀河の分布
    Sep. 2017, 日本天文学会 2017年秋季年会
  • 小学校の授業で天体望遠鏡を使おう!初心者によくあるトラブルと対策
    Sep. 2017, 日本天文学会 2017年秋季年会
  • 分光データを用いた自主学習型解析体験教材の開発
    Sep. 2016, 日本天文学会 2016年秋季年会
  • Development of the teaching material of an objective spectroscopic data with the Kiso105+2kCCD+4 deg prism. II
    Jul. 2016, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2016
  • Narrow-band 501nm and 659nm Imaging with the KWFC installed the Kiso 105cm Schmidt Telescope
    Mar. 2016, 日本天文学会 2016年春季年会
  • Development of the teaching material of the stellar objective spectroscopic data with the Kiso105+2kCCD+4 deg prism
    Mar. 2016, 日本天文学会 2016年春季年会
  • Narrow-band imagings of the regions in the nearby spiral galaxies
    Jul. 2015, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2015
  • Development of the teaching material of an objective spectroscopic data with the Kiso105+2kCCD+4 deg prism
    Jul. 2015, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2015
  • Narrow-band Filters for KWFC: Halpha and [OIII]
    Jul. 2014, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2014
  • Examples of Practices for College Students with the Narrow-band Imaging Data obtained by Kiso 105cm Schmidt Telescope and 2kCCD Camera
    Jul. 2014, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2014
  • Development of the self-direct learning programs for astronomical education III
    Mar. 2014, 日本天文学会 2014年春季年会
  • A narrowband filter for KWFC - H alpha -
    Jul. 2013, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2013
  • Making of a teaching material to calculate the age of the universe with galaxy size distributions of galaxy clusters
    Jul. 2013, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2013
  • A proposal of a narrow-band filter for the Kiso Wide-Field Camera (KWFC)
    Jul. 2012, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2012
  • Astronomical Practices for Undergraduate Students with Broad-band Images obtained by Kiso 105cm Schmidt and 2kCCD Camera
    Jul. 2012, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2012
  • Development of A Teaching Material to Calculate the Age of the Universe using images of galaxy clusters
    Sep. 2011, 日本天文学会 2011年秋季年会
  • The limitting magnitudes and the accuracy of magnitude calibrations of narrow-band images obtained bu KISO-2kCCD camera.
    Jul. 2011, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2011
  • The developements of the astronomical educational materials with archival data obtained with the Kiso Observatory: Drowing the HR diagrams and Measuring the distances of the galaxy clusters
    Jul. 2011, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2011
  • Starformation Activities of HII regions in late type spiral galaxies
    Jul. 2010, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2010
  • Making of FITS image data archives for training of astronomical image analysis and of educational material to draw HR-diagram
    Jul. 2010, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2010
  • The methodology of data reduction for line-emission imagings (ex. HII regions in Nearby Galaxies)
    Nov. 2009, 木曽2kCCD解析合宿
  • The Methodology of Magnitudes Calibration
    Nov. 2009, 木曽2kCCD解析合宿
  • Starformations of the Early-type Galaxies in the Hickson Compact Groups
    Aug. 2009, 光赤外(岡山)ユーザーズミーティング 2009
  • Making Educational Materials of Imaging Data with the 2kCCD camera installed the 105cm Kiso Schmidt Telescope
    Jul. 2009, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2009
  • Research of the HII regions in Nearby Spiral Galaxies by Multi-Color Imagings
    Jul. 2009, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2009
  • The digitized program of educational materials with imaging data by KISO schmidt telescope
    Jul. 2008, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2008
  • The SED study program of HII regions in nearby spiral galaxies with multi-color imagings
    Jul. 2008, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2008
  • Practice of Astronomical Education with the 2kCCD camera attached to the 105cm KISO Schmidt Telescope
    Jul. 2007, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2007
  • The HII region Study in Nearby Galaxies with Multiband Imaging
    Jul. 2007, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2007
  • 広視野CCDカメラによる銀河環境研究と測光精度の向上化
    Jul. 2006, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2006
  • Search of Dwarf Galaxies around Nearby Isolated Galaxies. III
    Jul. 2006, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2006
  • Searching for dwarf galaxies around the nearby isolated galaxies. III
    Oct. 2005, 日本天文学会2005年秋季年会
  • Search of Dwarf Galaxies around Nearby Isolated Galaxies. (II)
    24 Jun. 2005, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2005
  • 近傍銀河HII領域の多色撮像観測の提案
    24 Jun. 2005, 木曽シュミットシンポジウム2005
  • Development of Astronomical Teaching Material to Calculate the Age of the Universe
    21 Sep. 2004, 日本天文学会2004年秋季年会
  • Searching for dwarf galaxies around the nearby isolated galaxies. II
    Sep. 2003, 日本天文学会2003年秋季年会


  • 教育実践優秀賞
    08 Oct. 2016