ALI Ferjani
Natural Sciences Division Broad-Scope Natural Sciences Life Sciences | Professor |
Researcher Information
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Current State of Research and Teaching Activities
Current State of Research and Teaching Activities
We use forward and reverse genetic approaches to elucidate the logics of plant development, with a special emphasis on "COMPENSATION", a phenomena whereby cell size compensate for cell division in establishment of leaf size. In particular, we focus on the fugu series of mutants (fugu1~fugu5) and others in our laboratory.
We have established close collaborations with scientists in other research groups both within and outside Japan.
We have launched this homepage to share with you our excitement about new discoveries, research activities and interests, and to keep you informed about the opportunities to join our laboratory or to collaborate with us.
Research Areas
Research Interests
Research Projects
- Elucidation of the strategies of mechanical optimization in plants toward the establishment of the bases for sustainable structure system, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), 29 Jun. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2023, Competitive research funding, これまで、植物が機械刺激を内生発生プログラムに反映し利用している可能性については、ほとんど議論されてこなかった。多くの植物発生研究者が、研究手法の確立した分子生物学的・遺伝学的研究を行っている状況の中で、植物を対象とした張力測定や張力の人為的なコントロールといった機械刺激を扱う実験手法が確立されてこなかったことがその要因である。本研究では、植物がもつ2種類の構造システム形成戦略、(1)表皮のタガとしての機能と内部構造の最適化戦略システム、および、(2)重力を含む機械刺激による根系形成の最適化戦略システム、を読み解くことで、機械刺激が植物の形態形成を制御し、力学的構造最適化を図るしくみを明らかにする。このデータをもとに、様々な機械的攪乱に強い建築基礎のモデルを提案することを目的としている。
- ピロリン酸の過剰蓄積が植物の発生に及ぼす影響の時空間的解析, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019, Competitive research funding, Pyrophosphate (PPi) is generated by biological reactions, and its removal is essential for proper cell functions. In plants, H+-PPase is responsible for the removal of PPi, and the H+-PPase loss-of-function mutant fugu5 over-accumulates PPi, and displays postgerminative developmental and growth defects. In this study, the various developmental abnormalities caused by excess PPi have been analyzed in a developmental stage, tissue, and cell type specific manner, in order to elucidate the role of H+-PPase in plant metabolism and developmental regulation. As a result, we demonstrated that the effect of excess PPi differs among leaf tissues, that the degradation of PPi within guard cells is essential for exerting normal stomatal function, and that temporary removal of PPi during the initial phase following seed germination is proved to be necessary and sufficient to recover all developmental abnormalities in fugu5 background.
- Multidimensional Exploration of Logics of Plant Development, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), 28 Jun. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2018, Competitive research funding
- 植物初期生育における液胞プロトンピロホスファターゼの役割の解明, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2014, Competitive research funding, Following germination, oil-seed plants rely on triacylglycerol (TAG) reserves for growth during a heterotrophic period, where TAG is converted to sucrose (Suc). Also, macromolecular syntheses consume huge amounts of ATP, often hydrolyzed to AMP plus PPi. In Arabidopsis, the vacuolar H+-PPase uses energy from PPi hydrolysis to acidify the vacuole. The fugu5 mutants, lacking the AVP1 H+-PPase, failed to sustain postgerminative heterotrophic growth; recovered upon Suc supply, or specific PPi removal by the cytosolic PPase IPP1. Thus the major function of H+-PPase in seedling development is the removal of inhibitory PPi, rather than H+ pumping. Suc and PPi quantification in WT versus fugu5 indicated that gluconeogenesis is inhibited by elevated level of PPi, but the targets of PPi inhibition remained unclear. Here, profiling of major metabolites that occur during TAG mobilization showed that UDP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) is specifically inhibited by excess cytosolic PPi in fugu5.
- Molecular anaysis of CUC2 functional specificity, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014, Competitive research funding, Morphogenesis of organisms is regulated by various types of proteins. Among such regulatory proteins, transcription factors constitute a major class of proteins that turn on and off gene expression. CUC2 is a transcription factor required for normal development of various plant organs including leaves and fruits. We investigated the function of CUC2 in detail using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress), and found mechanisms that confer different functions in development of the two organ types.
- Role of vacuolar-type proton pump in compensated cell enlargement, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 01 Apr. 2009 - 31 Mar. 2010, Competitive research funding, A longstanding question in biology is how organ size is predetermined. Compensation is a key, yet unsolved phenomenon, whereby decreased cell number below some threshold triggers enhanced post-mitotic cell expansion in leaf primordia. Thus providing a model case to investigate leaf-size control. Among the Arabidopsis mutants that exhibit compensation, here I focused on fugu5 mutant that is defective in vacuolar-type H^+-pyrophosphatase (H^+-PPase). I clearly demonstrated that high accumulation of PPi in the cytosol mediates gluconeogenesis compromise in fugu5, providing evidence that PPi hydrolysis is the major role of FUGU5 in vivo. Also, I conducted a large-scale screening of enhancers, repressors and suppressors of fugu5 mutant and identified three mutant lines that affect cell expansion in fugu5 in different manners. Finally, I found that V-ATPase is implicated in excessive cell enlargement observed in fugu2-1 and KRP2 o/e.
- Plant regulatory systems that control developmental interactions between meristems and lateral organs, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, 01 Apr. 2007 - 31 Mar. 2012, Competitive research funding, A number of new findings on mechanisms of differentiation, cell expansion, and morphogenesis in leaf primordia have been obtained from analyses of Arabidopsis thaliana and new model systems such as genera Juncus and Asparagus. These were totally new and some are breakthrough in understanding of molecular mechanisms of leaf organogenesis. The original reports on these findings have been published on top journals, and four of them were chosen by F1000.
- Molecular basis of regulation of organ size-Molecular genetic approaches to reveal mechanisms of compensation, Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2006 - 31 Mar. 2010, Competitive research funding, Our studies on mechanisms of leaf development have revealed that an unknown system integrates activities of cell proliferation and cell expansion in leaves, depending on non-cell autonomous regulations. We also showed that gene expression not only regulates leaf form, but the resulting organ shape also secondarily regulates gene expression in a particular part of the organ primordium. These findings strongly indicate importance of understanding of the organ-level integration of cell behaviors to reveal mechanisms of organogenesis in multicellular organs.
Research activity information
Books and Other Publications
- Ali Ferjani, Shoji Segami, Mariko Asaoka, Masayoshi Maeshima* (2014a) Regulation of PPi levels through the vacuolar membrane H+-pyrophosphatase
Jan. 2014, Ali Ferjani, Shoji Segami, Mariko Asaoka, Masayoshi Maeshima*, U. Lüttge et al. (eds), Progress in Botany, Progress in Botany 75, pp. 145-165. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-38797-5_5, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 - Ali Ferjani et al. (2008) Control of Leaf Morphogenesis by Long- and short-Distance Signaling: Differentiation of Leaves Into Sun or Shade Types PLANT CELL MONOGRAPHS: Plant Growth Signaling
Jan. 2008, Ali Ferjani, Satoshi Yano, Gorou Horiguchi, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Contributions of lignification, tissue arrangement patterns, and cross-sectional area to whole-stem mechanical properties in Arabidopsis thaliana
26 Apr. 2024, Mariko Asaoka, Eric Badel, Ali Ferjani, Kazuhiko Nishitani & Olivier Hamant, joint, Journal of Plant Research, Springer Nature, 10.1007/s10265-024-01543-2, Plant cells withstand mechanical stress originating from turgor pressure by robustly maintaining the mechanical properties of the cell wall. This applies at the organ scale as well; many plant stems act as pressurized cylinders, where the epidermis is under tension and inner tissues are under compression. The clavata3 de-etiolated3 (clv3-8 det3-1) double mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana displays cracks in its stems because of a conflict between the mechanical properties of the weak epidermis and over-proliferation of inner stem tissues. In this work, we conducted three-point bending tests on various Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, including those displaying the stem cracking phenotype, to examine the differences in their mechanical properties. The clv3-8 det3-1 double mutant exhibited reduced stem stiffness, consistent with reduced differentiation due to the clv3-8 mutation. Yet, in clv3-8, stem cross-sectional area was increased associating with the increase in vascular bundle number, and stem cross-sections displayed various shapes. To uncouple the contribution of geometry and cell-wall differentiation to the mechanical properties of the whole stems, we tested the contribution of lignified fibers to stem stiffness. In order to suppress lignin deposition in stems genetically, we generated multiple higher-order mutants by crossing clv3-8 and/or det3-1 with nst1-1 nst3-1, in which lignin deposition is suppressed. Stem stiffness was reduced markedly in all nst1-1 nst3-1 mutant backgrounds. Overall, our results suggest that stem stiffness relies on the presence of differentiated, lignified, fiber tissue as well as on the alignment or spatial distribution of vascular bundles within the stem organ. - The phosphorylated pathway of serine biosynthesis affects sperm, embryo, and sporophyte development, and metabolism in Marchantia polymorpha
24 Jan. 2024, Mengyao Wang, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Kinuka Ohtaka, Ayuko Kuwahara, Ryuichi Nishihama, Toshiki Ishikawa, Kiminori Toyooka, Mayuko Sato, Mayumi Wakazaki, Hiromichi Akashi, Hiroshi Tsugawa, Tsubasa Shoji, Yozo Okazaki, Keisuke Yoshida, Ryoichi Sato, Ali Ferjani, Takayuki Kohchi, Masami Yokota Hirai, joint, Communications Biology, Springer Nature Limited, 7(1), 102, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1038/s42003-023-05746-6 - The Roles of Functional Amino Acids in Plant Growth and Development
21 Dec. 2023, Kensuke Kawade, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Ali Ferjani, Masami Yokota Hirai, joint, Plant Cell Physiology, Oxford University Press, 64, 12, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1093/pcp/pcad071 - Editorial: Model organisms in plant science: Arabidopsis thaliana
11 Sep. 2023, Ali Ferjani, Hironaka Tsukagoshi, Valya Vassileva, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers Media, 14, 1279230, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2023.1279230 - Mechanical conflicts emerging at the cylindrical and spherical plant organs
23 Jan. 2023, Mariko Asaoka, Ali Ferjani, joint, Plant Morphology, The Japanese Society of Plant Morphology, 35, 1, Research paper (scientific journal) - Contribution of vasculature to stem integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana
17 Jan. 2023, Mariko Asaoka, Shingo Sakamoto, Shizuka Gunji, Nobutaka Mitsuda, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Shinichiro Sawa, Olivier Hamant, Ali Ferjani, joint, Development, The Company of Biologists, 150, dev201156, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1242/dev.201156 - Roles of type II H+-PPases and PPsPase1/PECP2 in early developmental stages and PPi homeostasis of Arabidopsis thaliana
09 Jan. 2023, Tojo Hiroshi, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Shizuka Gunji, Masami Yokota Hirai, Pascale David,
Helene Javot, Ali Ferjani, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, 14, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2023.1031426 - Leaf-Size Control Beyond Transcription Factors: Compensatory Mechanisms
28 Dec. 2022, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Shizuka Gunji, Kensuke Kawade, Ali Ferjani, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, 13, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2022.1024945 - Skotomorphogenesis exploits threonine to promote hypocotyl elongation
07 Sep. 2022, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Yasuhiro Higashi, Yozo Okazaki, Kiminori Toyooka, Mayumi Wakazaki, Mayuko Sato, Kazuki Saito, Masami Y Hirai, Ali Ferjani, joint, Quantitative Plant Biology, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, In press, Research paper (scientific journal) - Tonoplast Proton Pumps Regulate Nuclear Spacing of Female Gametophytes Via Mediating Polar Auxin Transport in Arabidopsis
26 Aug. 2022, Yu-Tong Jiang, Ji-Xuan Zheng, Rong-Han Li, Yu-Chen Wang, Jianxin Shi, Ali Ferjani, Wen-Hui Lin, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, In press, Research paper (scientific journal) - Tissue-targeted inorganic pyrophosphate hydrolysis in a fugu5 mutant reveals that excess inorganic pyrophosphate triggers developmental defects in a cell-autonomous manner
04 Aug. 2022, Shizuka Gunji, Kensuke Kawade, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Gorou Horiguchi, Akira Oikawa, Mariko Asaoka, Masami Y Hirai, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Ali Ferjani, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, 13, 945225, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2022.945225, Excess PPi triggers developmental defects in a cell-autonomous manner. The level of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) must be tightly regulated in all kingdoms for the proper execution of cellular functions. In plants, the vacuolar proton pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) has a pivotal role in PPi homeostasis. We previously demonstrated that the excess cytosolic PPi in the H+-PPase loss-of-function fugu5 mutant inhibits gluconeogenesis from seed storage lipids, arrests cell division in cotyledonary palisade tissue, and triggers a compensated cell enlargement (CCE). Moreover, PPi alters pavement cell (PC) shape, stomatal patterning, and functioning, supporting specific yet broad inhibitory effects of PPi on leaf morphogenesis. Whereas these developmental defects were totally rescued by the expression of the yeast soluble pyrophosphatase IPP1, sucrose supply alone canceled CCE in the palisade tissue but not the epidermal developmental defects. Hence, we postulated that the latter are likely triggered by excess PPi rather than a sucrose deficit. To formally test this hypothesis, we adopted a spatiotemporal approach by constructing and analyzing fugu5-1 PDF1pro::IPP1, fugu5-1 CLV1pro::IPP1, and fugu5-1 ICLpro::IPP1, whereby PPi was removed specifically from the epidermis, palisade tissue cells, or during the 4 days following seed imbibition, respectively. It is important to note that whereas PC defects in fugu5-1 PDF1pro::IPP1 were completely recovered, those in fugu5-1 CLV1pro::IPP1 were not. In addition, phenotypic analyses of fugu5-1 ICLpro::IPP1 lines demonstrated that the immediate removal of PPi after seed imbibition markedly improved overall plant growth, abolished CCE, but only partially restored the epidermal developmental defects. Next, the impact of spatial and temporal removal of PPi was investigated by capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOF MS). Our analysis revealed that the metabolic profiles are differentially affected among all the above transgenic lines, and consistent with an axial role of central metabolism of gluconeogenesis in CCE. Taken together, this study provides a conceptual framework to unveil metabolic fluctuations within leaf tissues with high spatio–temporal resolution. Finally, our findings suggest that excess PPi exerts its inhibitory effect in planta in the early stages of seedling establishment in a tissue- and cell-autonomous manner. - Looking beyond the gene network: metabolic and mechanical cell drivers of leaf morphogenesis
19 Apr. 2022, Hokuto Nakayama, Hiroyuki Koga, Yuchen Long, Olivier Hamant, Ali Ferjani, joint, Journal of Cell Science, The Company of Biologists, 135, 8, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1242/jcs.259611, The above-ground organs in plants display a rich diversity, yet they grow to characteristic sizes and shapes. Organ morphogenesis progresses through a sequence of key events, which are robustly executed spatiotemporally as an emerging property of intrinsic molecular networks while adapting to various environmental cues. This Review focuses on the multiscale control of leaf morphogenesis. Beyond the list of known genetic determinants underlying leaf growth and shape, we focus instead on the emerging novel mechanisms of metabolic and biomechanical regulations that coordinate plant cell growth non-cell-autonomously. This reveals how metabolism and mechanics are not solely passive outcomes of genetic regulation but play instructive roles in leaf morphogenesis. Such an integrative view also extends to fluctuating environmental cues and evolutionary adaptation. This synthesis calls for a more balanced view on morphogenesis, where shapes are considered from the standpoints of geometry, genetics, energy and mechanics, and as emerging properties of the cellular expression of these different properties. - A Practical Example of Flower Organ Development and Genetics in High-School through the ABC Model Arabidopsis Mutant Inquiry-Based Observation Activity
Dec. 2021, GUNJI Shizuka, YASUNAGA Mariko, FERJANI Ali, joint, Bull. Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Div. Nat. Sci., Tokyo Gakugei University, 73, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), 2434-9380, To teach about the common nature and diversity of life phenomena, biology courses cover a wide range of subjects from the molecular to the macro levels. Scientific activities such as experiments and observations are indispensable to explore them. In this report, we focused on the ABC model of flower development and the mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), a model plant, as a teaching tool for studying genetics, regulation of gene expression, and organ development. Since the effect of a single mutation on the gene involved in the development of floral organs is easy to realize, we thought that it would be easy to make students understand the basic concepts of genetics, gene expression, and development. This time, a special lecture was held for students in the first and second years of high school, and observations of mutants related to the ABC model were conducted. As a result, the students were able to experience the process of building the ABC model from mutant observations and perceive the invisible reality of “genes” in the form of phenotypes of floral organs. Based on these results, we will discuss the prospects for using the Arabidopsis ABC-model mutants as a teaching tool. - An auxin signaling network translates low-sugar-state input into compensated cell enlargement in the fugu5 cotyledon.
06 Aug. 2021, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Shunsuke Watanabe, Keita Fukuda, Shizuka Gunji, Mariko Asaoka, Masami Y Hirai, Mitsunori Seo, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Ali Ferjani, joint, PLOS GENETICS, PLOS, 17, 8, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009674, How leaf size is determined is a longstanding question in biology. In the simplest scenario, leaf size would be a function of cell number and size. Yet, accumulating evidence on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana suggested the presence of compensatory mechanisms, so that when the leaf contains fewer cells, the size of each cell is unusually increased (the so-called compensated cell enlargement (CCE)). While decreased cell numbers in the compensation exhibiting fugu5 mutants have been ascribed to reduced sugar biosynthesis from seed oil reserves, molecular mechanisms underlying CCE remain ill-known. Recently, IBA (a precursor of the phytohormone auxin) has emerged as a potential regulator of CCE. Here, to further illuminate the role of IBA in CCE, we used a series of high-order mutants and analyzed their genetic interaction with fugu5. We found that while CCE in fugu5 was promoted by IBA, defects in IBA-to-auxin conversion, auxin response, or the vacuolar V-ATPase activity alone cancelled CCE. This provides a scenario in which following seed germination, the low-sugar-state triggers auxin synthesis, leading to CCE through the activation of the V-ATPase, illustrating how fine-tuning cell and organ size regulation depend on interplays between metabolism and auxin levels in plants. - Multiple functions of the vacuole in plant growth and fruit quality
16 Jun. 2021, Yu-Tong Jiang, Lu-Han Yang, Ali Ferjani & Wen-Hui Lin, joint, Molecular Horticulture, Springer Nature, 1, 4 (2021), Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1186/s43897-021-00008-7 - What is quantitative plant biology?
20 May 2021, Daphné Autran, George W. Bassel, Eunyoung Chae, Daphne Ezer, Ali Ferjani, Christian Fleck, Olivier Hamant, Félix P. Hartmann, Yuling Jiao, Iain G. Johnston, Dorota Kwiatkowska, Boon L. Lim, Ari Pekka Mahönen, Richard J. Morris, Bela M. Mulder, Naomi Nakayama, Ross Sozzani, Lucia C. Strader, Kirsten ten Tusscher, Minako Ueda and Sebastian Wolf, joint, Quantitative Plant Biology, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1017/qpb.2021.8, Quantitative plant biology is an interdisciplinary field that builds on a long history of biomathematics and biophysics. Today, thanks to high spatiotemporal resolution tools and computational modelling, it sets a new standard in plant science. Acquired data, whether molecular, geometric or mechanical, are quantified, statistically assessed and integrated at multiple scales and across fields. They feed testable predictions that, in turn, guide further experimental tests. Quantitative features such as variability, noise, robustness, delays or feedback loops are included to account for the inner dynamics of plants and their interactions with the environment. Here, we present the main features of this ongoing revolution, through new questions around signalling networks, tissue topology, shape plasticity, biomechanics, bioenergetics, ecology and engineering. In the end, quantitative plant biology allows us to question and better understand our interactions with plants. In turn, this field opens the door to transdisciplinary projects with the society, notably through citizen science. - Stem integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana requires a load-bearing epidermis.
26 Feb. 2021, Asaoka M, Ooe M, Gunji S, Milani P, Runel G, Horiguchi G, Hamant O, Sawa S, Tsukaya H, Ferjani A., joint, Development, The Company of Biologists Ltd., 148, 4, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1242/dev.198028., Higher proliferation in stem inner tissues increases mechanical stress in the epidermis; when combined with weaker cell walls, this leads to loss of tissue integrity and cracking. - A Method Enabling Comprehensive Isolation of Arabidopsis Mutants Exhibiting Unusual Root Mechanical Behavior
09 Feb. 2021, Hiroshi Tojo, Aki Nakamura, Ali Ferjani, Yusuke Kazama, Tomoko Abe, and Hidetoshi Iida, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, 12, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2021.646404 - The Phosphate Fast-Responsive Genes PECP1 and PPsPase1 Affect Phosphocholine and Phosphoethanolamine Content
23 Feb. 2018, Mohamed Hanchi, Marie-Christine Thibaud, Bertrand Légeret, Keiko Kuwata, Nathalie Pochon, Fred Beisson, Aiqin Cao, Laura Cuyas, Pascale David, Peter Doerner, Ali Ferjani, Fan Lai, Yonghua Li-Beisson, Jérôme Mutterer, Michel Philibert, Kashchandra G Raghothama, Corinne Rivasseau, David Secco, James Whelan, Laurent Nussaume, Hélène Javot, joint, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, American Society of Plant Biologists, 176, 4, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1104/pp.17.01246 - Compensated Cell Enlargement in fugu5 is Specifically Triggered by Lowered Sucrose Production from Seed Storage Lipids
14 Feb. 2017, Kazuki Takahashi, Ryousuke Morimoto, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Mariko Asaoka, Masanori Ishida, Masayoshi Maeshima, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Ali Ferjani, joint, Plant and Cell Physiology, Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 58, 4, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1093/pcp/pcx021 - Suppressor Screen and Phenotype Analyses Revealed an Emerging Role of the Monofunctional Peroxisomal Enoyl-CoA Hydratase 2 in Compensated Cell Enlargement
17 Feb. 2016, Mana Katano, Kazuki Takahashi, Tomonari Hirano, Yusuke Kazama, Tomoko Abe, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Ali Ferjani, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, 7: 132., Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2016.00132 - A Decrease in Ambient Temperature Induces Post-Mitotic Enlargement of Palisade Cells in North American Lake Cress
16 Nov. 2015, Rumi Amano, Hokuto Nakayama, Yurika Morohoshi, Yaichi Kawakatsu, Ali Ferjani, Seisuke Kimura, joint, PLOS ONE, PLOS, 10, 11, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1371/journal.pone.0141247 - The conflict between cell proliferation and expansion primarily affects stem organogenesis in Arabidopsis
22 Sep. 2014, Saori Maeda, Shizuka Gunji, Kenya Hanai, Tomonari Hirano, Yusuke Kazama, Iwai Ohbayashi, Tomoko Abe, Shinichiro Sawa, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Ali Ferjani, joint, Plant Cell Physiology, Oxford University Press, 55, 11, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1093/pcp/pcu131 - Enhanced cell expansion in a KRP2 overexpressor is mediated by increased V-ATPase activity
16 Oct. 2013, Ali Ferjani, Kazuki Ishikawa, Mariko Asaoka, Masanori Ishida, Gorou Horiguchi, Masayoshi Maeshima, Hirokazu Tsukaya, joint, Plant and Cell Physiology, Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 54, 12, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1093/pcp/pct138 - The ATM-dependent DNA damage response acts as an upstream trigger for compensation in the fas1 mutation during Arabidopsis leaf development
24 Apr. 2013, Tetsuya Hisanaga, Ali Ferjani, Gorou Horiguchi, Naoko Ishikawa, Ushio Fujikura, Minoru Kubo, Taku Demura, Hiroo Fukuda, Takashi Ishida, Keiko Sugimoto, Hirokazu Tsukaya, joint, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, American Society of Plant Biologists, 162, 2, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1104/pp.113.216796 - Large-scale histological analysis of leaf mutants using two simple leaf observation methods: identification of novel genetic pathways governing the size and shape of leaves
30 Oct. 2006, Gorou Horiguchi, Ushio Fujikura, Ali Ferjani, Naoko Ishikawa, Hirokazu Tsukaya, joint, PLANT JOURNAL, Wiley, 48, 4, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02896.x - High V-PPase activity is beneficial under high salt loads, but detrimental without salinity
01 Sep. 2018, Graus D, Konrad KR, Bemm F, Patir Nebioglu MG, Lorey C, Duscha K, Güthoff T, Herrmann J, Ferjani A, Cuin TA, Roelfsema MRG, Schumacher K, Neuhaus HE, Marten I, Hedrich R, joint, NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Wiley, 219, 4, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1111/nph.15280 - Vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase and Cytosolic Soluble Pyrophosphatases Cooperatively Regulate Pyrophosphate Levels in Arabidopsis thaliana
24 Apr. 2018, Segami S, Tomoyama T, Sakamoto S, Gunji S, Fukuda M, Kinoshita S, Mitsuda N, Ferjani A, Maeshima M, joint, THE PLANT CELL, The America Society of Plant Biologists, 30, 5, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1105/tpc.17.00911 - A practical example of high-school inquiry-based active learning of asexual reproduction using the leaves of Rorippa aquatica
30 Oct. 2020, GUNJI Shizuka, TAKAHASHI Kazuki, FERJANI Ali, joint, BULLETIN OF TOKYO GAKUGEI UNIVERSITY Division of Natural Sciences, Toukyou Gakugei University, 72, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), 24349380 - Fukuda M, Mieda M, Sato R, Kinoshita S, Tomoyama T, Ferjani A, Maeshima M, Segami S. (2020) Lack of Vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase and Cytosolic Pyrophosphatases Causes Fatal Developmental Defects in Arabidopsis thaliana.
26 May 2020, Fukuda M, Mieda M, Sato R, Kinoshita S, Tomoyama T, Ferjani A, Maeshima M, Segami S., joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, 11, 655, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2020.00655 - Gunji S, Oda Y, Takigawa-Imamura H, Tsukaya H, Ferjani A* (2020) Excess Pyrophosphate Restrains Pavement Cell Morphogenesis and Alters Organ Flatness in Arabidopsis thaliana.
21 Feb. 2020, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers, 11, 31, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2020.00031 - Molecular Basis for Natural Vegetative Propagation via Regeneration in North American Lake Cress, Rorippa aquatica (Brassicaceae).
01 Feb. 2020, Amano R, Nakayama H, Momoi R, Omata E, Gunji S, Takebayashi Y, Kojima M, Ikematsu S, Ikeuchi M, Iwase A, Sakamoto T, Kasahara H, Sakakibara H, Ferjani A, Kimura S, joint, Plant Cell Physiology, Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 61, 2, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1093/pcp/pcz202 - Ferjani A, Kawade K, Asaoka M, Oikawa A, Okada T, Mochizuki A, Maeshima M, Hirai MY, Saito K, Tsukaya H. (2018) Pyrophosphate inhibits gluconeogenesis by restricting UDP-glucose formation in vivo.
02 Oct. 2018, Ferjani A, Kawade K, Asaoka M, Oikawa A, Okada T, Mochizuki A, Maeshima M, Hirai MY, Saito K, Tsukaya H, joint, Scientific Reports, Springer Nature, 8, 1, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1038/s41598-018-32894-1 - Two tonoplast proton pumps function in Arabidopsis embryo development
20 Jan. 2020, Yu‐Tong Jiang, Ren‐Jie Tang, Yan‐Jie Zhang, Hong‐Wei Xue, Ali Ferjani, Sheng Luan, Wen‐Hui Lin, joint, NWE PHYTOLOGIST, Wiley, 225, 4, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1111/nph.16231 - 郡司 玄・天野瑠美・金子真也・Ferjani Ali*・木村成介* (2019) アブラナ科植物Rorippa aquatica の再生能力に注目した栄養生殖の教材化と授業実践
Aug. 2019, joint, 生物教育, The Society of Biological Sciences Education of Japan, 60, (3):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Mariko Asaoka, Shin-ichiro Inoue, Shizuka Gunji, Toshinori Kinoshita, Masayoshi Maeshima, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Ali Ferjani* (2019) Excess Pyrophosphate within Guard Cells Delays Stomatal Closure
01 Apr. 2019, joint, Plant Cell Physiology, Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 60, (4):, Research paper (scientific journal), - Yang Yang, Ren-Jie Tang, Baicong Mu, Ali Ferjani, Jisen Shi, Hongxia Zhang, Fugeng Zhao, Wen-Zhi Lan,* and Sheng Luan* (2018) Vacuolar proton pyrophosphatase is required for high magnesium tolerance in Arabidopsis
16 Nov. 2018, joint, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, MDPI (Molecular Diversity Preservation International and Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 19, (11):, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3390/ijms19113617 - Natsuki Tanaka, Hiroshi Uno, Shohei Okuda, Shizuka Gunji, Ali Ferjani, Takashi Aoyama, Masayoshi Maeshima* (2017) SRPP, a cell-wall protein is involved in development and protection of seeds and root hairs in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Apr. 2017, joint, Plant & Cell Physiology, The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 58:, 4, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1093/pcp/pcx008 - Xianglan Wang¶, Hongwei Wang¶, Shengxue Liu, Ali Ferjani, Jiansheng Li, Jianbing Yan, Xiaohong Yang*, Feng Qin* (2016) Genetic variation in ZmVPP1 contributes to drought tolerance in maize seedlings." ¶ These authors equally contributed to this work"
Aug. 2016, joint, Nature Genetics, Nature Publishing Group, 48:, Research paper (scientific journal), 10.1038/ng.3636 - Ali Ferjani*, Masayoshi Maeshima* (2016) Editorial: Multiple facets of H+-pyrophosphatase and related enzymes
Aug. 2016, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Cell Biology, Frontiers, 7:1265., Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2016.01265 - Mariko Asaoka, Shoji Segami, Ali Ferjani and Masayoshi Maeshima (2016) Contribution of PPi-hydrolyzing function of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase in vegetative growth of Arabidopsis: Evidenced by expression of uncoupling mutated enzymes
Mar. 2016, joint, Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Cell Biology, Frontiers, 7:415., Research paper (scientific journal), 10.3389/fpls.2016.00415 - Ali Ferjani*, Kenya Hanai, Shizuka Gunji, Saori Maeda, Shinichiro Sawa, and Hirokazu Tsukaya (2015) Balanced cell proliferation and expansion is essential for flowering stem growth control.
Mar. 2015, joint, Plant Signaling Behavior, Taylor & Francis, 10, (3):, Research paper (scientific journal), doi: 10.4161/15592324.2014.992755. - Ali Ferjani*, Shoji Segami, Gorou Horiguchi, Yukari Muto, Masayoshi Maeshima and Hirokazu Tsukaya (2014b) Roles of the vacuolar H+-PPase in seed storage oil mobilization and plant development
May 2014, joint, Plant Morphology, The Japanese Society of Plant Morphology, 26:, Research paper (scientific journal) - Ali Ferjani*, Kazuki Ishikawa, Mariko Asaoka, Masanori Ishida, Gorou Horiguchi, Masayoshi Maeshima, and Hirokazu Tsukaya (2013b) Class III compensation, represented by KRP2 overexpression, depends on V-ATPase activity in proliferative cells
Nov. 2013, joint, Plant Signaling & Behavior, Landes Bioscience, , 8, (11).doi:pii:e27204, Research paper (scientific journal), pii: e27204 - Yoichiro Fukao*, Masami Yoshida, Rie Kurata, Mami Kobayashi, Miyako Nakanishi, Masayuki Fujiwara, Keiji Nakajima and Ali Ferjani (2013) Peptide Separation Methodologies for In-depth Proteomics in Arabidopsis
Mar. 2013, joint, Plant Cell Physiology, Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 54, (5):, Research paper (scientific journal) - K. Hanai, Y. Kazama, T. Hirano, T. Abe and A. Ferjani* (2012) Identification of V-ATPase-independent candidate pathways that control cell expansion in Arabidopsis
Nov. 2012, only, RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. III-4. Radiation Chemistry & Biology, RIKEN Nishina Center, Vol. 45 - Ali Ferjani*, Shoji Segami, Gorou Horiguchi, Azusa Sakata, Masayoshi Maeshima, Hirokazu Tsukaya(2012) Regulation of pyrophosphate levels by H+-PPase is central for proper resumption of early plant development
Jan. 2012, joint, Plant Signaling & Behavior, Landes Bioscience, 7(1):, Research paper (scientific journal) - M. Katano, Y. Kazama, T. Abe, and A. Ferjani* (2011) Heavy-ion beam-mediated screening to evaluate leaf-size control in fugu5 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana
Dec. 2011, M. Katano, Y. Kazama, T. Abe, and A. Ferjani, joint, RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep., RIKEN Nishina Center, Vol. 44, Research paper (scientific journal) - Yoichiro Fukao*, Ali Ferjani (2011) V-ATPase dysfunction under excess zinc inhibits Arabidopsis
cell expansion
Sep. 2011, Yoichiro Fukao, Ali Ferjani, joint, Plant Signaling & Behavior, Landes Bioscience, 6, (9):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Ali Ferjani*, Shoji Segami, Gorou Horiguchi, Yukari Muto, Masayoshi Maeshima, and Hirokazu Tsukaya (2011) Keep an eye on PPi: The vacuolar-type H+-pyrophosphatase regulates post-germinative development in Arabidopsis
Aug. 2011, Ali Ferjani*, Shoji Segami, Gorou Horiguchi, Yukari Muto, Masayoshi Maeshima, and Hirokazu Tsukaya, joint, PLANT CELL, The American Society of Plant Biologists, 23, (8):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Fukao Y*, Ferjani A, Tomioka R, Nagasaki N, Kurata R, Nishimori Y, Fujiwara M, Maeshima M (2011) iTRAQ Analysis Reveals Mechanisms of Growth Defects due to Excess Zinc in Arabidopsis
Apr. 2011, Fukao Y, Ferjani A, Tomioka R, Nagasaki N, Kurata R, Nishimori Y, Fujiwara M, Maeshima M, joint, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, American Society of Plant Biologists, 155, (4):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Ferjani A*, Horiguchi G, Tsukaya H (2010) Organ size control in Arabidopsis: Insights from compensation studies
Apr. 2010, Ferjani A*, Horiguchi G, Tsukaya H, joint, Plant Morphology, The Japanese Society of Plant Morphology, 22, (1):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Fukao Y*, Ferjani A, Fujiwara M, Nishimori Y, Ohtsu I. (2009) Identification of Zinc-Responsive Proteins in the Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana using a Highly Improved Method of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
Dec. 2009, Fukao Y, Ferjani A, Fujiwara M, Nishimori Y, Ohtsu I., joint, Plant & Cell Physiology, The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 50, (12):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Ferjani Ali, Horiguchi Gorou*, Yano Satoshi, Tsukaya Hirokazu (2007) Analysis of Leaf Development in fugu Mutants of Arabidopsis Reveals Three Compensation Modes That Modulate Cell Expansion in Determinate Organs
Jun. 2007, Ferjani Ali, Horiguchi Gorou, Yano Satoshi, Tsukaya Hirokazu, joint, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, American Society of Plant Physiologists, 144, (2):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Horiguchi Gorou*, Ferjani Ali, Fujikura Ushio, Tsukaya Hirokazu (2006) Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana
Jan. 2006, Horiguchi Gorou, Ferjani Ali, Fujikura Ushio, Tsukaya Hirokazu, joint, Journal of Plant Research, Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 119, (1):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Suzuki Shingo, Ferjani Ali, Suzuki Iwane, Murata Norio* (2004) The SphS-SphR two component system is the exclusive sensor for the induction of gene expression in response to phosphate limitation in synechocystis
Mar. 2004, Suzuki Shingo, Ferjani Ali, Suzuki Iwane, Murata Norio, joint, Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 279, (13):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Ali Ferjani, Laszlo Mustardy, Ronan Sulpice, Kay Marin, Iwane Suzuki, Martin Hagemann and Norio Murata* (2003) Glucosylglycerol, a compatible solute, sustains cell division under salt stress
Apr. 2003, Ali Ferjani, Laszlo Mustardy, Ronan Sulpice, Kay Marin, Iwane Suzuki, Martin Hagemann and Norio Murata, joint, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, American Society of Plant Biologists, 131, (4):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Mohanty A, Kathuria H, Ferjani A, Sakamoto A, Mohanty P, Murata N, Tyagi AK. (2002) Transgenics of an elite indica rice variety Pusa Basmati 1 harbouring the codA gene are highly tolerant to salt stress
Dec. 2002, Mohanty A, Kathuria H, Ferjani A, Sakamoto A, Mohanty P, Murata N, Tyagi AK., joint, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS, Springer, 106, (1):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Ferjani A, Abe S, Ishikawa Y, Henmi T, Yuka Tomokawa, Nishi Y, Tamura N, Yamamoto Y. *(2001) Characterization of the stromal protease(s) degrading the cross-linked products of the D1 protein generated by photoinhibition of photosystem II
Jan. 2001, Ferjani A, Abe S, Ishikawa Y, Henmi T, Yuka Tomokawa, Nishi Y, Tamura N, Yamamoto Y., joint, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, Elsevier, 1503, (3):, Research paper (scientific journal) - Ishikawa Y, Nakatani E, Henmi T, Ferjani A, Harada Y, Tamura N, Yamamoto Y* (1999) Turnover of the aggregates and cross-linked products of the D1 protein generated by acceptor-side photoinhibition of photosystem II
Nov. 1999, Ishikawa Y, Nakatani E, Henmi T, Ferjani A, Harada Y, Tamura N, Yamamoto Y, joint, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, Elsevier, 1413, (3):, Research paper (scientific journal)
- Functions of the phosphorylated pathway of serine biosynthesis in development of Marchantia polymorpha
Nov. 2024, Marchantia Workshop 2024, Poster presentation - Auxin converted from indole glucosinolate degradation product controls the amplitude of cell enlargement in cotyledon size regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Sep. 2024, SBIO24 Conference, Poster presentation - インドールグルコシノレートの分解に由来するオーキシンは補償作用における過剰な細胞肥大を引き起こす
14 Sep. 2024, 日本植物学会第88回大会, Poster presentation - 葉面積制御に伴うオーキシン量の一過的上昇は代謝ネットワークを介したインドールグルコシノレートの分解によって引き起こされる
30 Aug. 2024, 第41回植物バイオテクノロジー学会, Oral presentation(general) - Multi-platform widely-targeted metabolomics unveiled a core metabolic process that contributes to cotyledon size regulation
16 Jun. 2024, Metabolomics 2024, Poster presentation - Metabolomics and subsequent snRNA-seq revealed that transient auxin regulating cotyledon tissue cell size in Arabidopsis is produced from indole-glucosinolates in the epidermis
14 Mar. 2025, The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Oral presentation(general) - Widely targeted metabolomics and subsequent label-feeding analysis identified candidate metabolites that control hypocotyl elongation in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana
03 Jun. 2024, Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Poster presentation - Functions of the phosphorylated pathway of serine biosynthesis in development of Marchantia polymorpha
18 Mar. 2024, The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Oral presentation(general) - Multi-platform Widely-targeted Metabolomics Identified Key Metabolites that Coordinate Cell Number and Size During Cotyledon Morphogenesis
14 Oct. 2023, Taiwan Japan Plant Biology 2023 (TJPB 2023), Poster presentation - Molecular basis of organ size regulation in plants: “Insights from compensation”
15 Sep. 2023, サイズ生物学ワークショップ2023, Oral presentation(general) - Elucidation of functional metabolites involved in leaf size control by multi-platform widely-targeted metabolomics
11 Sep. 2023, The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Biotechnology, Poster presentation - ワイドターゲットメタボロミクスによる葉面積制御に資する機能性代謝産物群の探索
07 Sep. 2023, The 87th Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Poster presentation - Reduction of mechanical rigidity in non-cylindrical plant stem revealed by three-point bending test
07 Sep. 2023, The 87th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Genetics and Multi-Omics Integration Analyses Identified Cell Differentiation State Maintenance Mechanisms in hope-1 Mutant Hypocotyls
07 Jun. 2023, The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023), Poster presentation - Contribution of Epidermis and Vasculature to the Mechanical Integrity of Arabidopsis Inflorescence Stem
07 Jun. 2023, The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023), Poster presentation - Cloning and Functional Analyses of SET Gene Whose Loss-of-Function Suppresses de-etiolatedt3-1 Inflorescence Stem Dwarfism
07 Jun. 2023, The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023), Poster presentation - Genetics and Multi-Omics Integration Analyses Identified Cell Differentiation State Maintenance Mechanisms in hope-1 Mutant Hypocotyls
07 Jun. 2023, The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023), Poster presentation - Multi-platform wide-targeted metabolomics identified candidate metabolites with a potential role in cell number and size coordination during leaf morphogenesis
16 Mar. 2023, 第64回日本植物生理学会年会, Oral presentation(general) - Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 PPaseの 塩ストレス下での寄与
11 Dec. 2022, 東北植物学会 第 12 回大会, Poster presentation - Synechocystis sp. PCC6803のグルコース利用抑制変異株の比較
10 Dec. 2022, 東北植物学会第12回大会, Poster presentation - 塩ストレス下におけるSynechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 PPase の役割
17 Sep. 2022, The 86th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Mechanical feedback between inner and outer layers maintains the cylindrical shape of stems
17 Sep. 2022, The 86th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Symposium workshop panel(nominated) - メタボローム解析を用いた細胞数と細胞サイズの協調性を担う鍵代謝産物群の同定
17 Sep. 2022, The 86th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - Mind the Crack: Epidermis is the Load-bearing Layer that Controls Flowering Stem Integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana
16 Sep. 2022, 日本植物形態学会第34回総会・大会, Oral presentation(invited, special) - メタボロミクスによる細胞数と細胞サイズの協調を担う代謝産物群の探索
16 Sep. 2022, 日本植物形態学会第34回総会・大会, Poster presentation - Excess growth combined with reduced cell wall stiffness in Arabidopsis triggers flowering stem breakage
25 Aug. 2022, The 10th International Plant Biomechanics Conference, Oral presentation(invited, special) - Important roles of PGDH-mediated serine synthesis in thallus growth, male gametogenesis and metabolism in Marchantia polymorpha
22 Mar. 2022, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Oral presentation(general) - Roles of PPsPase1, VHP2;1 and VHP2;2 in early developmental stages and PPi homeostasis of Arabidopsis thaliana
22 Mar. 2022, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - Dwarfism and photomorphogenic development in the dark of det3-1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana are suppressed by set mutation
22 Mar. 2022, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - Genetics and Multi-Omics Integration Analyses Identified Cell Differentiation State Maintenance Mechanisms in hope-1 Mutant Hypocotyls
22 Mar. 2022, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Oral presentation(general) - Metabolic reprogramming yields a key metabolite that promotes Compensated Cell Enlargement in fugu5
22 Mar. 2022, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Oral presentation(general) - Cloning and functional analyses of SET gene whose loss-of-function suppresses det3-1 flowering stem dwarfism
22 Mar. 2022, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - シアノバクテリア可溶性PPase酵素特性解析
11 Dec. 2021, 東北植物学会第11回大会, Poster presentation - Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 PPase変異株の明暗期下におけるグルコース利用特性
11 Dec. 2021, 東北植物学会第11回大会, Poster presentation - メタボローム解析によるfugu5変異体の補償的細胞肥大に関与する鍵代謝産物の探索
19 Sep. 2021, The 85th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - hope-1の胚軸に自発的に生じるカルスの遺伝学的およびオミクス解析を駆使した形成メカニズムの解明
19 Sep. 2021, The 85th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Oral presentation(general) - clv det3-1系統における花茎の亀裂発生過程の更なる解明を目指した組織形態学的研究
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - Class Ⅰ補償作用におけるV-ATPase活性および内在IAA量が与える影響の遺伝学的解析
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - Class II 補償作用に見られる細胞肥大はV-ATPaseを介して引き起こされる
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - ピロリン酸の過剰蓄積は子葉の初期発生において細胞自律的に影響する
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - fugu5の補償的細胞肥大を特異的に促進する鍵代謝産物の特定
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - de-etiolated3の矮化を抑圧する変異体の遺伝学的解析
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - hope-1の胚軸に自発的に生じるカルスの遺伝学的およびオミクス解析を駆使した形成メカニズムの解明
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - 器官サイズや代謝制御におけるピロフォスファターゼPPsPase1の役割の解明
17 Sep. 2021, 日本植物形態学会第33回総会・大会, Poster presentation - 器官サイズや代謝制御におけるピロフォスファターゼPPsPase1の役割の解明
17 Sep. 2021, The 85th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Poster presentation - de-etiolated3の矮化を抑圧する変異体の遺伝学的解析
16 Sep. 2021, The 85th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Poster presentation - Excess pyrophosphate triggers leaf developmental defects cell-autonomously in fugu5
16 Sep. 2021, The 85th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Poster presentation - Metabolic regulation of growth: Focus on the leaf
30 Jul. 2021, Virtual Biology Colloquium Seminar Series, Oral presentation(invited, special) - Epidermis-targeted slackening attenuates mechanical stress and prevents flowering stem cracking in Arabidopsis thaliana
27 Jun. 2021, The 7th International Conference of Plant Cell Wall Biology (PCWB2021), Poster presentation - A novel transcriptional network that underpins stem structural and mechanical integrity by regulating radial cell growth
14 Mar. 2021, The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - MpPGDH-mediated serine synthesis is essential for plant growth in the dark and for sexual reproduction in Marchantia polymorpha
14 Mar. 2021, The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - An emerging role of INDOLE-3-BUTYRIC ACID RESPONSE 10 in seed storage oil mobilization and etiolated seedling growth
14 Mar. 2021, The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - Ectopic auxin accumulation and subsequent activation of cell cycling trigger spontaneous callus formation on hope-1 mutant hypocotyls
14 Mar. 2021, The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - Spatio-temporal analyses revealed that the effects of excess pyrophosphate on leaf development are cell-autonomous
14 Mar. 2021, The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Poster presentation - Molecular basis of organ size regulation in plants: “Insights from compensation”
26 Jan. 2021, ENS de Lyon RDP Seminar, Oral presentation(invited, special) - NaClストレス下においてPPase欠損がSynechococcus elongatus PCC7942 の生育に与える影響
12 Dec. 2020, 東北植物学会第10回大会は2020年12月12日(土)から13日(日)にオンラインで開催されます。, Poster presentation - Unraveling flowering stem cracking mechanism toward the elucidation of growth optimization strategies in plants
16 Sep. 2020, 日本遺伝学会第92回大会, Symposium workshop panel(public) - ゼニゴケにおけるセリン合成酵素ホスホグリセリン酸デヒドロゲナーゼの生理的役割
21 Mar. 2020, 第61回日本植物生理学会年会, Oral presentation(general) - 代謝の変動によるピロリン酸の濃度変化はピロホスファターゼの協働により抑制される
19 Mar. 2020, 第61回日本植物生理学会年会, Poster presentation - Physiological Roles of the Serine Biosynthetic Enzyme 3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase in Marchantia polymorpha
Sep. 2019, MARCO Symposium 2012“Strengthening Collaboration for Agro-Environmental Challenges in Monsoon Asia”, 2012, Japan - An auxin signaling network translates low-sugar-state input into CCE at the fugu5 cotyledons
Sep. 2019, The 83nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - det3-1の矮小化抑圧変異体における花茎及び胚軸に着目した形態学的解析
Sep. 2019, 日本植物形態学会第31回総会・大会 - シロイヌナズナの液胞膜局在型プロトンポンプがシュートの形態形成に及ぼす影響
Sep. 2019, 日本植物形態学会第31回総会・大会 - セリン生合成酵素3-ホスホグリセリン酸デヒドロゲナーゼのゼニゴケにおける生理的役割の解明
Sep. 2019, 第37回日本植物細胞分子生物学会(京都)大会 - シアノバクテリアSynechocystis可溶性PPaseの光栄養混合条件における役割
Sep. 2019, The 83nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Spatio-temporal analysis of the effect of excess pyrophosphate on plant development
Sep. 2019, The 83nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - A novel transcriptional network that underpins flowering stem structural and mechanical integrity
Sep. 2019, The 83nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Nanoindentation revealed the triggering factor of clv3 det3 flowering stem cracking
Sep. 2019, the 8th Asian Society of Child Care - ピロリン酸の過剰蓄積が葉の発生に及ぼす影響の時空間的解析
Sep. 2019, 日本植物形態学会第31回総会・大会 - fugu5にみられる補償作用はARF7 ARF19を介して引き起こされる
Sep. 2019, 日本植物形態学会第31回総会・大会 - 花茎の整合性維持を担う転写因子に関する形態学的解析
Sep. 2019, 日本植物形態学会第31回総会・大会 - hope変異体の胚軸に生じるカルスは異所的なオーキシンの蓄積とそれに伴う細胞分裂の活性化によって引き起こされる
Sep. 2019, 日本植物形態学会第31回総会・大会 - 花茎器官の内生張力の上昇は,表皮がタガとして受け止める必要がある
Sep. 2019, 日本植物形態学会第31回総会・大会 - Rorippa aquaticaの栄養繁殖を調節する植物ホルモンの解析
Mar. 2019, 60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists - Function of 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase for serine biosynthesis in Marchantia polymorpha
Mar. 2019, 60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists - Stomatal closure is delayed by excess pyrophosphate
Mar. 2019, 63rd. Annual Conf.: Intern. Council for Educational Media (ICEM 2013) - シアノバクテリアSynechocystis可溶性PPaseの環境ストレス下における役割
Dec. 2018, 東北植物学会第8回大会 - 花茎器官が一体となった構造を作るために何が必要か?「花茎に生じる亀裂に学ぶ」
Nov. 2018, 植物科学若手研究会2018 - Impact of excess PPi on plant development and metabolism
Oct. 2018, 第12回メタボロームシンポジウム(12th Metabolome Symposium) - 液胞膜H+-ピロホスファターゼと可溶性ピロホスファターゼが協働してピロリン酸レベルを調節する
Sep. 2018, The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Rorippa aquatica を用いた葉断面からの栄養繁殖機構の解析
Sep. 2018, The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Rorippa aquaticaを用いた葉断面からの栄養繁殖機構の解析
Sep. 2018, 日本植物形態学会第30回総会・大会 - シロイヌナズナの花茎の伸長における木部の分化制御の役割
Sep. 2018, 日本植物形態学会第30回総会・大会 - 同心組織間の物理的張力の調和は、花茎器官が一体となった構造を作るために必要である
Sep. 2018, 日本植物形態学会第30回総会・大会 - ピロリン酸の過剰な蓄積が引き起こす全ての 発生異常は細胞自律的な性質を持つ
Sep. 2018, 日本植物形態学会第30回総会・大会 - 気孔の閉口は孔辺細胞におけるピロリン酸の蓄積により阻害される
Sep. 2018, 日本植物形態学会第30回総会・大会 - fugu5における補償作用の細胞肥大はIBA由来のIAAによって引き起こされる
Sep. 2018, 日本植物形態学会第30回総会・大会 - Tissue-targeted PPi hydrolysis in fugu5 mutant background revealed that excess PPi triggers developmental defects cell-autonomously
Sep. 2018, The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Stomatal closure is hampered in a cell autonomous manner due to excess pyrophosphate
Sep. 2018, The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Compensated cell enlargement in fugu5 is specifically triggered by IBA-derived auxin
Sep. 2018, The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Biomechanical attunement among concentric tissues is a prerequisite for Arabidopsis flowering stem integrity
Sep. 2018, The 83nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - The amplitude of cell enlargement in Class II CCE is regulated by the amount of IBA-derived Auxin
Jun. 2018, The Joint Annual Meeting of 70th JSCB and 51st JSDB co-sponsored by Asia-Pacific Developmental Biology Network - Excess pyrophosphate in plant tissues triggers developmental defects cell-autonomously
Jun. 2018, The Joint Annual Meeting of 70th JSCB and 51st JSDB co-sponsored by Asia-Pacific Developmental Biology Network - Plant flowering stem cracking: A model case towards understanding stem organogenesis and integrity
Jun. 2018, The Korean Association for Multicultural Education 2010 International Conference - Rorippa aquaticaの栄養繁殖を制御する遺伝子群の探索
Mar. 2018, 第59回日本植物生理学会年会 - Exploration of genes regulating vegetative propagation in Rorippa aquatica
Nov. 2017, Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 - IBA derived auxin is the driving force for Class II CCE
Nov. 2017, 新学術領域「植物発生ロジック」若手ワークショップ 2017 - 花茎の亀裂の背景にある力学的な側面の理解にむけて
Nov. 2017, 植物科学若手研究会2017 - Mechanical properties underlying flowering stem organogenesis: Genetic, histological approaches and future prospects
Nov. 2017, Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 - A genetic approach revealed a key driving role of IBA derived auxin in Class II CCE in fugu5
Nov. 2017, Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 - Excess PPi in fugu5 mutant triggers developmental defects cell-autonomously
Nov. 2017, Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 - Excess pyrophosphate within guard cells delays stomatal closure
Nov. 2017, TAMAGAWA InFORUM - シアノバクテリアにおける可溶性PPaseの役割
Sep. 2017, 日本植物学会第81回大会 - Rorippa aquaticaの栄養繁殖を制御する遺伝子群の探索
Sep. 2017, 日本植物形態学会第29回総会・大会 - clv3 det3の花茎の肥大成長に伴う細胞伸長が亀裂を引き起こす
Sep. 2017, 日本植物形態学会第29回総会・大会 - IBAに由来するIAAがfugu5における補償作用の細胞肥大を強化する
Sep. 2017, 日本植物形態学会第29回総会・大会 - ピロリン酸の過剰な蓄積が葉の形態形成に細胞自律的に影響する
Sep. 2017, 日本植物形態学会第29回総会・大会 - Rorippa aquaticaの栄養繁殖を制御する遺伝子群の探索
Sep. 2017, 日本植物学会第81回大会 - 孔辺細胞におけるPPiの蓄積は気孔の閉口の障害を引き起こす
Sep. 2017, 日本植物形態学会第29回総会・大会 - fugu5 developmental defects triggered by excess PPi are cell-autonomous
Sep. 2017, The 81st Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Genetic evidence indicates that IBA derived IAA is a key driving mechanism for Class II CCE in fugu5
Sep. 2017, The 81st Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - An emerging role of inorganic pyrophosphate in stomatal function
Sep. 2017, The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Leaf size control mechanisms – Systems revealed from studies of compensation
Jul. 2017, XV COMPARATIVE EDUCATIOS WORLD CONGRESS - 窒素源に依存してピロリン酸が引き起こすシロイヌナズナの形態変化
Mar. 2017, 第58回日本植物生理学会年会 - 細胞壁タンパク質SRPP は種子形成と根毛伸長に重要な機能を果たしている
Mar. 2017, 第58回日本植物生理学会年会 - Screening of Arabidopsis mutants capable of surviving on hard medium that rejects root penetration
Mar. 2017, 第58回日本植物生理学会年会 - Vegetative propagation in Rorippa aquatica: Understanding plant regeneration using non-model species
Mar. 2017, 第58回日本植物生理学会年会 - 糖新生及びβー酸化の機能低下による代謝異常の比較解析
Feb. 2017, 新学術領域研究「植物発生ロジックの多元的開拓」第4回メタボローム勉強会 - ピロリン酸の組織特異的な蓄積が葉の形態形成に及ぼす影響
Feb. 2017, 新学術領域研究「植物発生ロジックの多元的開拓」第4回メタボローム勉強会 - シアノバクテリアの生育における可溶性PPaseの役割
Dec. 2016, 東北植物学会第6回大会 - Major developmental and metabolic defects triggered by pyrophosphate over-accumulation in Arabidopsis
Nov. 2016, 弘前大学農学生命科学部 平成28年度 第10回 研究推進セミナー - Developmental and molecular studies on the mechanism of vegetative propagation in Rorippa aquatica
Nov. 2016, Collaborative Lesson Research one day - シロイヌナズナの胚軸及び花芽メリステムの分化維持に関わる新規因子の解析
Sep. 2016, 日本植物形態学会第28回総会・大会 - 組織選択的なピロリン酸除去が葉の形態形成に及ぼす影響の総合理解
Sep. 2016, 植物科学若手研究会2016 - アブラナ科Rorippa aquaticaを用いた葉断面からの栄養繁殖機構の解析
Sep. 2016, 日本植物形態学会第28回総会・大会 - 花茎に生じる亀裂は内外部組織の力学的不均衡によって引き起こされる
Sep. 2016, 日本植物形態学会第28回総会・大会 - ピロリン酸の組織特異的な蓄積が葉の形態形成に及ぼす影響
Sep. 2016, 日本植物形態学会第28回総会・大会 - det3-1の矮小化は過剰なリグニン蓄積に起因するのか?
Sep. 2016, 日本植物形態学会第28回総会・大会 - Towards understanding the temporospatial effects of excess PPi on Arabidopsis leaf development
Sep. 2016, The 80th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - The Whys and the Hows of flowering stem cracking: Evidenced by histological and genetic approaches
Sep. 2016, The 81st Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Impact of proton-pyrophosphatase dysfunction on plant development and metabolism: New roles for an old enzyme
Jul. 2016, Claremont Topology Seminar, Pomona Colleg - Lack of H+-pyrophosphatase prompts developmental damage in Arabidopsis leaves on ammonia-free culture medium
Jun. 2016, The 17th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology - Dual functions of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase: vacuolar acidification and PPi homeostasis
Jun. 2016, The 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology - Flowering stem cracking, a matter of balance
May 2016, The 4th annual CDB Symposium - Physiological effects of loss-of-function mutation of enzymes involved in pyrophosphate metabolism depending on nitrogen
Mar. 2016, 57th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists - Cooperative works of H+-PPase and soluble PPases for PPi homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Mar. 2016, 57th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists - Contribution of PPi-hydrolyzing function of vacuole H+-PPase in vegetative growth of Arabidopsis thaliana
Mar. 2016, 588. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on 'Element Specific Structure Determination in Materials on Nanometer and Sub-Nanometer' - Genome-wide Association Study Reveals Genetic Basis and Role of ZmVPP1 in Drought Tolerance in Maize Seedlings
Mar. 2016, 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society - Metabolic disorder and developmental defects triggered by PPi over-accumulation in Arabidopsis
Feb. 2016, 新学術領域研究「植物発生ロジックの多元的開拓」第3回メタボローム勉強会 - Developmental and molecular studies on the mechanism of vegetative propagation in Rorippa aquatica
Dec. 2015, BOSTON UNIVERSITY/KEIO UNIVERSITY WORKSHOP 2016 Probability and Statistics - Metabolic disorder and developmental defects triggered by PPi overaccumulation in plants
Nov. 2015 - Major consequences of excess PPi in plants: "Metabolic disorder and developmental defects"
Oct. 2015, 産業技術総合研究所 生物プロセス研究部門 植物機能制御研究グループセミナー - ピロリン酸の過剰蓄積で阻害される主な代謝標的はどこか?
Oct. 2015, 独立行政法人理化学研究所 望月理論生物学研究室セミナー - ピロリン酸の過剰な蓄積が表皮細胞の形態形成に及ぼす影響
Sep. 2015, 第6回 植物電子顕微鏡若手ワークショップ - The latest updates on THE PPi-WORLD
Sep. 2015, 植物科学若手研究会2015 - 根毛と種子を保護する機能をもつタンパク質 SRPP の発見と分子生理学的解析
Sep. 2015, The 79th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - det3-1の矮小化はV-ATPaseのポンプ機能欠損ではなく,過剰なリグニン蓄積に起因する
Sep. 2015, 日本植物形態学会第27回総会・大会 - det3-1変異体の矮小化が部分的に回復する変異株の組織学的解析
Sep. 2015, 日本植物形態学会第27回総会・大会 - アブラナ科植物Rorippa aquaticaにみられる葉断面からの栄養繁殖の発生学的解析
Sep. 2015, The 79th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - A histological approach to infer the structural bases of inflorescence stem cracking
Sep. 2015, The 79th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - Contribution of glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenesis to Arabidopsis postgerminative growth
Sep. 2015, The 79th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - The jigsaw-puzzle shape of cotyledon pavement cells is restrained by PPi overaccumulation in fugu5
Sep. 2015, The 7th Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology Congress - PPi excess in vivo provokes improper pavement cell sculpturing
Aug. 2015, International Federation for Home Economics Ⅻ World Congress (IFHE 2012) - Metabolic and developmental catastrophe of PPi excess in vivo - First unraveled in plants
Jun. 2015, 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium - Physiological role of H+-pyrophosphatase in Arabidopsis thaliana: comparison with loss-of-function and overexpression mutants
Mar. 2015, 第56回日本植物生理学会年会 - Physiological effects of loss-of-function mutations of enzymes involving pyrophosphate metabolism
Mar. 2015, 第56回日本植物生理学会年会 - Developmental and molecular studies on the mechanism of vegetative propagation in Rorippa aquatica
Mar. 2015, 第56回日本植物生理学会年会 - Effects of dual mutations in the glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenesis on seed oil reserve mobilization and postgerminative growth
Mar. 2015, 第56回日本植物生理学会年会 - Compensation is specifically triggered by lowered sucrose production from seed oil reserves
Mar. 2015, 第56回日本植物生理学会年会 - Impact of PPi overaccumulation on epidermal cell differenciation and development
Mar. 2015, 第56回日本植物生理学会年会 - PPi opposes gluconeogenesis progression during seed oil mobilization in Arabidopsis
Mar. 2015, 第56回日本植物生理学会年会 - The catastrophe of PPi over-accumulation: Major metabolic and developmental targets
Feb. 2015, 「新学術領域研究 植物発生ロジック」・第2回メタボローム勉強会 - The metabolic catastrophe of PPi over-accumulation: Major targets and potential benefits
Jan. 2015, 大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科 遺伝医学講座 遺伝学教室 生命機能研究科セミナー - すべての表皮細胞の発達異常はピロリン酸の過剰な蓄積によって引き起こされる
Nov. 2014, 新学術領域「植物発生ロジック」若手ワークショップ 2014 - Pyrophosphate hydrolysis by the vacuolar H+-PPase promotes gluconeogenesis in germinating oilseeds
Oct. 2014, 北海道大学大学院理学研究院 Plant Science Seminar - The metabolic target of pyrophosphate inhibition, the enigmatic molecule in plant metabolism, unraveled
Oct. 2014, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology/8th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology - Excessive pyrophosphate severely restrains the development of all epidermal cell types
Oct. 2014, 北海道大学大学院理学研究院 Plant Science Seminar - リン酸欠乏時に発現上昇する根毛タンパク質RHPPの機能解析
Sep. 2014, 日本植物学会第78回大会 - Connecting pyrophosphate homeostasis to plant metabolism and development
Sep. 2014, 2014年度 植物科学若手研究会 - シロイヌナズナの発芽後の成長における貯蔵脂質代謝に欠損を持つ変異体群の総合的解析
Sep. 2014, 日本植物形態学会第26回総会・大会 - 貯蔵脂質を基にしたショ糖の生合成を担う遺伝子群の多重変異体における従属栄養成長
Sep. 2014, 日本植物形態学会第26回総会・大会 - ピロリン酸の過剰な蓄積はすべての表皮細胞の発達に影響を及ぼす
Sep. 2014, 日本植物形態学会第26回総会・大会 - 葉断面から再生するRorippa aquaticaの栄養繁殖機構の解析
Sep. 2014, 日本植物学会第78回大会 - UDP-Glc Pyrophosphorylase is specifically inhibited by excess PPi during storage lipid mobilization
Sep. 2014, The 78th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - The development of all epidermal cell types is severely restrained by excess pyrophosphate
Sep. 2014, The 79th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan - 細胞増殖と細胞伸長の異常が茎の形態形成に及ぼす影響
Sep. 2014, 日本植物形態学会第26回総会・大会 - The execution of developmental programs in all epidermal cell types are restrained by PPi overaccumulation
Jul. 2014, 25th International Conference on Computers in Education - The metabolic target of pyrophosphate, a mysterious player in plant metabolism, identified
Jul. 2014, 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2014) - H+-Pyrophosphatase Is Necessary for Normal Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana
Jun. 2014, Plato and Retoric - Impact of excess pyrophosphate on plant metabolism and development: New functions of an old player
May 2014, 総合生命科学部生命科学セミナー - The Biological Roles of Pyrophosphatases: The Ever-Missing Piece in Modern Biochemistry
Feb. 2014, 「新学術領域研究 植物発生ロジックの多元的開拓」・第1回メタボローム勉強会 - 第5回植物科学若手研究会
Dec. 2013, 第5回植物科学若手研究会 - ピロリン酸の過剰な蓄積が表皮細胞の形状と気孔の発達に明確な影響を及ぼす
Nov. 2013, 新学術領域「植物発生ロジック」若手ワークショップ 2013 - リン酸およびピロリン酸濃度は植物の形態形成に明確な影響を及ぼす
Oct. 2013, 日本農芸化学会中部支部第168回例会 - 液胞膜 H+- Pyrophosphatase の酵素活性と生理 現象の関連性の解析
Sep. 2013, 日本植物学会第77回大会 - 液胞膜 H+- ピロホスファターゼの分子細 胞生理学
Sep. 2013, 日本植物学会第77回大会 - Keep an eye on PPi: The vacuolar-type H+-pyrophosphatase regulates postgerminative development in Arabidopsis
Sep. 2013, 日本植物形態学会第25回総会・大会 (平瀬賞受賞記念のポスター) - Compensated cell expansion in KRP2 o/e is mediated through increased V-ATPase activity
Sep. 2013, 日本植物学会第77回大会 - Implications of H+-PPase in plant development
Jun. 2013, 24th International Diatom Symposium - 液胞膜H+−ピロホスファターゼの分子細胞生理学
May 2013, 第7 7 回日本生化学会中部支部例会 - The vacuolar type H+-PPase is the master regulator of cytosolic PPi homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Mar. 2013, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics (IWSE2005) - Plant Vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase: “The Master Regulator of cytosolic PPi Levels, but not Vacuolar pH”
Dec. 2012, Optical Fiber Communications Conference - Compensated cell enlargement in fugu5 mutant occurs through a unique pathway
Oct. 2012, 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology - ATPとPPi:「光と陰のような存在がいつまで続くのか?」
Sep. 2012, 第4回植物科学若手研究会 - fugu5変異体に見られる補償作用の背景には独自の細胞伸長制御系が存在する
Sep. 2012, 日本植物学会弟76回大会 - fugu5に見られる補償作用の分子機構解明を目的としたDNAマイクロアレイ及び逆遺伝学的解析
Sep. 2012, 日本植物形態学会第24回総会・大会 - 植物の細胞伸長制御系におけるV-ATPaseの役割の解明を目的とした遺伝学的解析
Jul. 2012, The 23rd International Diatom Symposium - The Challenges To Find A Niche in Japan’s Academia “A personal point of view after 15 years of living in Japan”
Apr. 2012, 平成24年度総研大後学期学生セミナー・第1回交流会(岡崎地区) - Physiological effects of loss-of-function and overexpression of vacuolar H+-PPase in Arabidopsis
Mar. 2012, 第53回日本植物生理学会年会 - 発芽後の成長および葉のサイズ制御におけるH+- 輸送性ピロホスファターゼ(H+-PPase)の役割
Dec. 2011, 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス研究科 GlobalCOEセミナー - 葉の大きさはどのように決定されるのか?「補償作用から得た数々のヒント」
Nov. 2011, 分子生物学科/環境科学研究センター 共催セミナー - 補償作用のしくみの解明は 葉のサイズ制御の理解への近道である
Nov. 2011 - プロトン輸送性ピロホスファターゼの欠損によって過剰蓄積するピロリン酸は、貯蔵脂質に由来するショ糖の生合成を阻害する
Sep. 2011, 日本植物形態学会第23回総会・大会 - シロイヌナズナの補償作用に見られる細胞肥大とV-ATPaseとの関係
Sep. 2011, 日本植物形態学会第23回総会・大会 - fugu5変異体におけるピロリン酸の代謝と補償作用及びストレス耐性との関連
Sep. 2011, 日本植物形態学会第23回総会・大会 - fugu5変異体における細胞周期関連遺伝子の発現解析
Sep. 2011, 日本植物形態学会第23回総会・大会 - fugu2/fas1の補償作用はDNA損傷応答によって誘導される
Sep. 2011, 植物学会第75回大会 - fugu5変異体に対する重イオンビーム照射で作出した変異体—補償作用によって昂進される細胞伸長制御系の遺伝学的解析—
Sep. 2011, 日本植物学会第75回大会 - Removal of Cytosolic PPi is a Prerequisite for Proper Resumption of Post-Germinative Development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Jul. 2011, XVIII International Botanical Congress, - 補償作用を示すfugu2変異体において発現変動する遺伝子群の葉の形成における役割
Mar. 2010, 第51回日本植物生理学会年会 - iTRAQ 解析を用いた過剰量亜鉛による成育阻害機構の解明
Mar. 2010, 第51回日本植物生理学会年会 - fugu5変異体におけるピロリン酸の蓄積は細胞増殖を阻害し補償作用を引き起こす
Mar. 2010, 第51回日本植物生理学会年会 - 補償作用を示すfugu2変異体において発現変動する遺伝子群の葉の形成における役割
Sep. 2009, 日本植物学会第73回大会 - 補償作用を透して見えてきた葉のサイズ制御の実態とは?
Sep. 2009, 日本植物形態学会第21回総会 - fugu5変異体に見られる補償作用とピロリン酸の蓄積との関係
Sep. 2009, 日本植物形態学会第21回総会 - FUGU5/AVP1 Activity Is Essential For Early Seedling Development And Organ-Size Control In Arabidopsis
Mar. 2009, 理研セミナー - Role Of FUGU5 /AVP1 In Post-germinative Growth And Organ-size Control
Mar. 2009, 第50回日本植物生理学会年会 - fugu5変異体で見られる補償作用とスクロースの関係
Sep. 2008, 日本植物形態学会第20回総会・大会 - シロイヌナズナのfugu5変異体の子葉に注目した補償作用の解析
Aug. 2008, 名古屋大学大学院 生命農学研究科・細胞ダイナミクス研究室・Global COEセミナー - Effect of sucrose on compensated cell enlargement in fugu5 mutant cotyledons
Jul. 2008, 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research - Effect of sucrose on compensated cell enlargement in fugu5 mutant
Mar. 2008, 第49回日本植物生理学会年会 - Analysis of compensation syndrome, a link between cell proliferation and expansion, towards unraveling leaf-size control
Oct. 2007 - Analysis of compensation reveals three different modes that modulate cell expansion in determinate organs
Jun. 2007, 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research - Compensation syndrome: An emerging evidence of coordination between cell proliferation and expansion in organ-size control
Mar. 2007, 第48回日本植物生理学会年会-関連集会、第26回若手の会 - Compensated cell enlargement is induced postmitotically in fugu mutants and is mediated by two different expansion-regulatory pathways
Mar. 2007, 第48回日本植物生理学会年会 - Analysis of compensation syndrome in fugu mutants towards the understanding of organ size control
Dec. 2006, 日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム - 葉の器官サイズの制御と補償作用:多細胞系における細胞増殖と細胞伸長との統合システム
Dec. 2006, 日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム - extra-small sisters変異による細胞伸長抑制能に基づく補償作用の遺伝学的分類
Sep. 2006, 日本植物学会第70回大会 - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion processes in leaf size determination
Apr. 2006, The 4th Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition - 葉形態形成における細胞増殖と細胞伸長の調和:補償作用で見られる過剰な細胞伸長には二つの伸長パターンが関与する
Mar. 2006, 第47回日本植物生理学会年会 - 葉器官形成における補償作用の分子遺伝学的解析〜補償作用によって昂進される細胞伸長制御系の解析
Mar. 2006, 第47回日本植物生理学会年会 - 葉器官形成における補償作用の遺伝学的解析〜細胞増殖と細胞伸長制御系の相互作用
Sep. 2005, 日本植物形態学会第17回総会・大会 - 葉のサイズ制御における細胞増殖と細胞伸長の相互作用:補償作用の解析
Sep. 2005, 日本植物形態学会第17回大会総会・大会 - 葉形成における補償作用の遺伝学的解析〜細胞数減少による補償作用誘導と細胞伸長の活性化機構の解析
Sep. 2005, 日本植物学会第69回大会 - 細胞増殖と細胞伸長による葉のサイズ制御:補償作用の解析
Sep. 2005, 日本植物学会第69回大会 - Genetic analysis of compensation system(s) in leaf development
Jun. 2005, 16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research - Compensatory system: Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion during leaf morphogenesis
Jun. 2005, 16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research - 葉の器官形成における補償作用の遺伝学的解析
Mar. 2005, 第46回日本植物生理学会年会 - 葉の形態形成における細胞分裂と細胞伸長の調和:補償作用
Mar. 2005, 第46回日本植物生理学会年会 - シロイヌナズナの葉の発生における補償作用の役割
Sep. 2004, 日本植物形態学会第16回総会・大会 - Glucosylglycerol sustains cell division under salt stress in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Jun. 2003, 7th KIFEE International Symposium on Environment, Energy and Materials - Histidine kinases, Hik2, Hik16 and Hik33, in Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 are involved in the torelance of photosystem II to environmental stress
Mar. 2003, 第44回日本植物生理学会年会 - Glucosylglycerol Protects Synechocystis Cells against Salt Stress during Cell Division
Mar. 2002, 日本植物生理学会2002年度年会および第42回シンポジウム - Accumulation of glycine betaine in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 cells protects photosystem II from high-temperature induced inactivation
Aug. 2001, 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis - 光化学系II反応中心蛋白質D1とシトクロムb559 αサブユニットとの架橋産物のストロマプロテアーゼによる分解
Mar. 2000, 日本植物生理学会2000年度年会および第40回シンポジウム
16 Sep. 2022, Ferjani Ali先生(自然科学系生命科学分野 准教授)が、第34回日本植物形態学会平瀬賞を受賞しました。「平瀬賞」は、この賞を創設した1996年が平瀬作五郎によるイチョウの精子発見の百周年にあたることに因み、平瀬の功績を讃えてその名を冠したもので、植物形態学の進歩に寄与する独創的で優れた論文に与えられます。 - Best Poster Award
15 Sep. 2016 - 最優秀ポスター賞
10 Oct. 2014 - HIRASE AWARD
12 Sep. 2013 - The Young Scientist Award for Plant Morphology
17 Sep. 2009